Actress Sonam Kapoor’s last movie ‘Neerja’ turned out to be a game changer in her career. The stylish diva that was known only for her glamorous looks until now shut her critics with her amazing acting in the biopic of brave heart flight attendant Neerja Bhanot.
But do you know that Sonam was not the first choice for his critically acclaimed movie? Filmmakers wished to rope in Alia Bhatt for the titular role. Sadly for the actress, her height became her drawback.
A spokeperson from the production house said
‘there was a lot of to and fro before we decided and approached Sonam. But once we had settled on her there was no turning back, she was totally suited for it. The thing about Alia is that she is the first person who comes to your mind when you say a young pretty actress, but we had a lot of other things to consider’
Well, seeing Sonam act in Neerja, we don’t think any other actress would have been pulled this role as brilliantly as Sonam did. As far as Alia is concerned,hope she will get a golden project soon. Anyways her latest movie ‘Kapoor and Sons’ is going to hit the theatres today nad we wish her all the very best.