Atif Aslam paid a soulful tribute to the legendary Indian singer Lata Mangeshkar who passed away at the age of 92, on February 6. The veteran’s death has left millions of her fans in a state of shock. Amid all this, the Tere Sang Yaara singer paid a musical tribute to Lata at his recent concert in Dubai, earning praise from fans. In the video, shared by multiple fan accounts on social media, Atif can be seen performing a few iconic songs of a late singer as he proceeds to sing Lata’s popular song Ek Pyaar Ka Nagma hai. In another clip, the 38-year-old singer can be seen singing another of Lata’s iconic songs Naam Gum Jayega. Fans are quite touched by his gesture and praised Atif for his tribute to Lata. To note, Atif has sung several songs in Bollywood films starting with the 2005 song Woh Lamhe for Zeher. For the unversed, Lata died of multiple organ failure on February 6. The legendary singer spent almost a month in hospital post her Covid-19 and pneumonia diagnosis.