Fawad Khan recently confirmed that he will be seen in the upcoming Ms Marvel series alongside Iman Vellani and Brie Larson, saying it was a “wonderful experience”. The Kapoor & Sons star opened up about being a part of the Marvel show while talking to Indian publication Film Companion. When asked whether he was a part of the show, he simply replied, “Yeah, I am,” before adding, “I can’t deny that or lie about it because they have put out the news themselves.” Reports of Fawad’s casting first did rounds earlier in June when his name was added to the show’s IMDP page, however, Marvel had not commented. He stayed mum about any other details but did not shy away from sharing his experience on set, calling it “wonderful”. “It was good fun. The cast that I worked with, the people that I worked with, it was good fun, but I am sorry, I cannot say anything more than that at this point in time,” he said. Pakistani-Canadian actor Iman Vellani, who will essay the role of Ms. Marvel aka Kamala Khan, is leading the series with Hollywood superstar Brie Larson also joining the cast as she reprises her role as Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel. The series will be helmed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Meera Menon, Bilall Fallah and Adil El Arbi.