By Afnan Wasif
On August 14, 1947, Pakistan was established. Many nations acquired independence throughout the twentieth century, and many independent and sovereign governments appeared on the world map. Pakistan is one among them; however it was founded in a very distinctive way. The majority of countries were founded on the basis of race, language, and geographic location. Pakistan is the only country in the world that was founded on a strong and indestructible philosophy. Pakistan’s worldview is centered on the Islamic religion, which governs all elements and sectors of human life. The Holy Qur’an, Sunnah, and Hadiths of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) form the foundation of the Islamic system. Pakistan’s basis and guarantor of development is this system.
Since its beginning, conspiracies have been planned to undermine and destabilize Pakistan’s ideological, geographical, political, and cultural limits. Terrorism is the product of a vast conspiracy that began many years ago when Pakistan allied with the US in the Afghan conflict. These conspiracies are also perpetrated out by countries whom we assume to be our allies. Following the invasion of Afghanistan under Operation Enduring Freedom on October 7, 2001, a huge intelligence center was established at Jabal al-Siraj, north of Kabul, and India was tasked with administering the network. Intelligence camps have been established in various locations of Afghanistan under the patronage of the CIA, Mossad, RAW, MI6, and other allied intelligence services in order to make this conspiracy a triumph.
The Strategic Partnership Agreement between the United States and India was signed in 2005 with the intention of restraining and reducing China’s rapidly growing military and economic dominance, sabotage relations with its neighbors and successfully confronting the Islam’s rise. Because both countries were in synchronization, accomplishing those objectives was absolutely critical to them. In Afghanistan, they established powerful intelligence networks to destabilize Pakistan, China, Iran, Russia, and Central Asian countries. The US State Department has reclassified Afghanistan as part of South Asia to make it easier for India to operate and intervene in Afghanistan. Afghanistan was previously classified as part of Central Asia. Pakistan and Iran have been accused of meddling in Afghanistan’s domestic affairs on several occasions. In reality, in order to destabilize neighboring countries, so called active nations for justice and human rights are performing terrible atrocities in Afghanistan. For the past two decades, these civilized nations have trampled on Afghanistan’s sovereignty, independence, and integrity in order to achieve this objective. The civilized world is executing these great games for their own benefit. The US utilized Israel to safeguard its interests in the Middle East. Similarly, it has used India to establish a mark for himself in South Asia as well.
It sees China’s emergence and expansion as a threat to himself, as well as the prosperity of Pakistan, Iran, and other nations, and sees his power dwindling and fading. Because China is the only country in the world that has surged to become the world’s largest economic power without resorting to confrontation and coercion, whereas the United States has fought unjust wars against Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, and many other Muslim countries, causing multi-trillion dollar losses, killing over eight million people and displacing millions. But the clouds of tyranny and oppression are lifting, and a new day is dawning. Afghanistan’s Jihadi force, which has defeated every major power in the globe, is in our neighborhood. Iran, our neighbor, is a revolutionary power that has heroically and resolutely resisted Western sanctions for a long time. Thus, great revolutionary forces are struggling all around us and in the middle is the nuclear-capable Pakistan, which our first Prime Minister, Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan, called the “Heart of Asia.”
Attempts to destabilize Pakistan, a significant power in the near future, are increasing. However, with China’s assistance and collaboration, a new strategic economic system that includes Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and Central Asia is evolving and rising. Strategically important projects such as the Djibouti base, the ports of Gwadar and Chah-e-Bihar, the Qeshm island of Persian Gulf, and the Maku free commerce zone will be available to this squad, posing a direct challenge to the Western world and American economic interests. Russia will invest in this important economic structure in order to gain access to the warm waters of the Arabian Sea.
This entire situation is encouraging and reassuring for Pakistan. Pakistan should utilize the new scenario to fortify and bolster its diplomatic, strategic and economic connections with Iran and Afghanistan at all levels. Pakistan should finalize the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project, as well as construct and expand road and railway linkages, upgrade and modernized the railway system from Quetta to Zahedan, and develop the road and railway line from Quetta and Peshawar towards Afghanistan’s interior. The pace and security of the CPEC should be improved. This alliance has long been a subject of concern and disquiet in the Western world. Attempts have been made, and continue to be made, to undermine and sabotage this peaceful strategic economic system. However, these attempts will not last long because the paradigm of a unipolar globe is about to vanish from the face of the earth.