LAHORE: The Punjab government could not utilise full budget allocated for the government departments in the first three quarters of the financial year 2015-16. Due to lack of funds, important sectors like health and education failed to provide facilities to the masses. According to the document available with Daily Times, Rs 30. 875 billion were released but only Rs 1.559 were incurred in the month of July 2015. In the month of August 2015, Rs 63.336 billion were issued and Rs 11.111 billion were spend. In the month of September, Rs 91.766 billion were issued out of which Rs 36.39 billion were utilized. Similarly, in the month of October 2015, Rs 100.206 billion were issued whereas Rs 60.375 billion were utilised. In November2015, Rs 100.585 billion were released and Rs 99.443 billion were spent. In January 2016, the funds of Rs 100 .983 billion were issued for the provincial departments out of which Rs 100.434 billion were utilised. In February, the government issued Rs 200.448 billion but used only Rs 100.652 billion. In the last month of third quarter, Rs 200,712 billion were issued to the public sector department but they used only Rs100. 897 billion.