LAHORE: On the orders of the Prime Minister of Pakistan and on the special instructions of the Federal Minister for Railways, the Chief Executive Officer Pakistan Railways Nisar Ahmed Memon held a Facebook Live open forum at Railway Headquarters in Lahore to discuss the issues and problems of railway employees and the general public.
Relevant officers were also present on the occasion.
Nisar Ahmad Memon said that the main purpose of the Facebook Live Open Forum is to establish a link between Pakistan Railways and the people and to ensure immediate resolution of their problems.
In the open forum, the railway employees raised issues related to recruitment on the PM package, payment of post gratuity amount, allotment of quarters, recruitment on TLA, departmental promotion and other transfers and postings.
CEO Railways assured to resolve all these issues in accordance with the policy of Pakistan Railways .The people requested the Chief Executive Officer of Pakistan Railways to run more passenger trains on different sections and also to improve train timings and refund issues.
On the occasion, the CEO listened to the grievances of the employees, assured them of all possible solutions while answering their questions and said “by following the instructions of NCOC, number of trains were reduced. As soon as the situation improves, more trains will be run on different sections.”
The session of the forum continued from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM in which hundreds of people from across the country expressed their views.
Nisar Ahmed Memon said that the process of listening to the complaints of the people directly will continue in the future so that the problems of railway employees and other people can be resolved immediately.