Model-turned-actress Areeba Habib says former cricketer Shoaib Akhtar is her favourite cricketer. “I watched a lot of cricket matches in the era of Shoaib Akhtar, Moin Khan and Abdur Razzaq,” she said while appearing on Geo News programme ‘Jashan-e-Cricket’ on Wednesday. The actor also discussed television dramas, including ‘Jalan.’ She said her acting debut was with a negative character as it gave her leeway to perform. “If I had written the Jalan drama, I would not have pitched the characters to give a message of spite and jealousy,” she said. Habib said, “I am a designer and have a brand.” “We have lobbying in the modelling industry, while there is limited favouritism in the drama industry,” she said, adding that item songs are not liked by Pakistani society and so she would turn down any offer for it. The actor said she is not competition for anyone, including her friend Sadaf Kanwal. “I pay every model, though all of them are usually willing to do it for free in the beginning of their career,” she said. Habib said modelling is harder than acting as a model is supposed to be in good shape all the time, while in acting, an actor has a slight margin of performing varied characters.