Legendary singer, Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar has contributed Rs 700,000 to Maharashtra Chief Minister`s Relief Fund for taking up COVID-19 related works, an official said on Saturday. Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has expressed his gratitude to the renowned singer for her public-spirited gesture to help the COVID-19 efforts. The CM also appealed to people to contribute whatever they can for the COVID-19 war and the ongoing free vaccination drive for the 18-44 age group which was taken up in the state from Saturday which is also Maharashtra Day and International Labour Day. The CM also appealed to people to contribute whatever they can for the COVID-19 war and the ongoing free vaccination drive for the 18-44 age group which was taken up in the state from Saturday which is also Maharashtra Day and International Labour Day Earlier in the week, the ruling Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) allies, Nationalist Congress Party, and Congress have contributed around Rs 2-crore each, comprising legislators` salaries and other donations, to the CMRF. Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar said that despite facing a financial crunch, the MVA government has decided to give the free vaccine jabs to all youth – around 5.70 crore – in the 18-44 age group.