On Sunday, veteran Bollywood actress Shashikala Om Prakash passed away at the age of 88. As per ANI reports, she breathed her last at her residence, however, the cause of her death is still unknown and her family is yet to put out an official statement on the same. After renowned Bollywood screenwriter Kiran Kotrial, known for shows like ‘Big Boss’ and ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi,’ broke the news on her demise through a Facebook post, tributes started pouring in from the Indian cinema industry. Bollywood actress and global icon Priyanka Chopra Jonas took to Twitter to offer her condolences and pays tribute to one of cinema’s finest – Shashikala. She wrote, “An actor par excellence, one of the greats of the golden era… she leaves behind an indelible mark on cinema. Honoured to have had the opportunity to work with her. Om Shanti #Shashikala ji” Bollywood actress and global icon Priyanka Chopra Jonas took to Twitter to offer her condolences and pay tribute to one of cinema’s finest — Shashikala. She wrote, ‘An actor par excellence, one of the greats of the golden era… she leaves behind an indelible mark on cinema’ Indian singer and musician Adnan Sami also expressed his grief at actress Shashikala’s demise. He tweeted, “Saddened to learn that legendary actress Shashikala ji has passed away… She was a brilliant & versatile actress. May she rest in peace… #Shashikala” Veteran actor Dharmendra Deol took to Twitter to post a throwback picture of the time he and late actress Shashikala shared space on-screen. He also penned an emotional message for the actress, writing, “Gumnaami ki kokh se paida hoti hai … Shoharat… ye…Gumnaami ki god mein so jaati hai …I am extremely sad to know that our Shashikala is no more…. A versatile artist, most loving person. May God bless her soul be in peace” ‘Boogie Woogie’ host and judge Naved Jaffrey offered his condolences to Shashikala’s family in a Twitter post. He wrote, “Our dear Shashikala Ji is no more. She was a great artist. May the almighty give the family strength and patience to bear this irreplaceable loss. Deepest condolences #ShashiKala #RIPShashikala” Bollywood actor and director Farhan Akhtar also paid tribute to the late Shashikala and posted a photo of the actress in her prime. The ‘Bhaag Milkha Bhaag’ actor wrote, “RIP Shashikala-ji. Condolences to the family.” Born on 4 August 1932 in Solapur, Maharashtra, Shashikala was a renowned television and Bollywood actor. She had played supporting roles in more than a hundred Bollywood films. She is best known for her works in films like ‘Daku’, ‘Jugnu’, ‘Aarti’, ‘Gumraah’, ‘Mujhse Shaadi Karogi’, ‘Rahgir’ to name a few. Apart from films, Shashikala also worked in television shows like Son Pari and Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai and a few others.