Former Indian batsman Sachin Tendulkar on Saturday, announced on Twitter that he has contracted the coronavirus. The cricketing legend said in a tweet that he has been tested positive for the virus today and is experiencing mild symptoms. — Sachin Tendulkar (@sachin_rt) March 27, 2021 Tendulkar said that he is quarantining at home and is following all the necessary protocols as directed by his doctors. “I want to thank all the health care professionals who are supporting me and many others across the country,” he further said in the tweet. He also asked his fans to take care of themselves. According to Indian media, the country has over 62,000 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, the biggest single-day jump since October 16, taking the total coronavirus cases to over 11.9 million. Sachin Tendulkar is a former Indian batsman who has also served as the captain of the Indian cricket team. Nicknamed as “the little master”, he is widely regarded as one of the greatest batsmen to have stepped on the field. Sachin Tendulkar is the leading run scorer in Tests, with 15,921 runs, as well as in One-Day Internationals, with 18,426 runs. He is the only player to score more than 30,000 runs in all forms of international cricket (Tests, ODIs and Twenty20 Internationals). The cricketing great also holds the record of the highest number of centuries in both Tests (51) and ODIs (49) as well as in Tests and ODIs combined (100). On 16 March 2012, Tendulkar scored his 100th international hundred. Adding more records to his name, he is also the first male cricketer to score a double century in one day international matches. During the IPL, Tendulkar represented Mumbai Indians. He was also the part of the 2011 world cup winning Indian team. Sachin Tendulkar’s autobiography, Playing It My Way, was released on 6 November 2014. It was listed in the 2016 Limca Book of Records for breaking the record for adult hardback pre-publication orders, with 1,50,289 copies confirmed