Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Shibli Faraz on Sunday said that the opposition has nothing for the people as they are only interested in pursuing self-serving agenda which revolves around them only. In a series of tweets, he said PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz’s visit to Larkana speaks volumes about the historical reality of ‘fighting from above, siblings from within’. “The assembling of these old foes, at same place in Larkana, has exposed their real faces to people. Those, who used to criticise each other in past and announced dragging each other on the roads of Lahore and Larkana, became each other’s guests now. Indeed, this was their reality as they were entirely different in front of people – having another face to show people,” he said. Today, he said, souls of former prime ministers Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto must be suffering as the worst critics of their philosophy and ideology were sitting at their home in Naudero. “Whenever corruption, double standards, horse trading, Changa Manga, chamak and briefcase politics were mentioned in the country, Nawaz Sharif’s name emerged at the top,” he said. “Prime Minister Imran Khan is faithful to people of Pakistan and will continue his struggle against plunderers of the country ad Prime Minister was a dedicated servant of the people who would continue chasing thieves and looters,” he said. “Prime Minister Imran Khan is ‘taabedaar’ (servile) for the people and a ‘thaanedaar’ (cop) for the thieves and looters of the country,” he added.