Pakistani singer Meesha Shafi has been riding high of late ever since her rendition of Nazia Hassan’s “Boom boom” went viral. And while all fans were all blown away by Meesha’s cover, she was also given a stamp of approval by late music icon Nazia Hassan’s brother, Zoheb Hassan. Following the message from Zoheb, the ‘Waar’ actor, 39, turned to her Instagram and shared a screenshot of his post lauding her tribute to his sister. “#TEAMVELO / #meeshashafi many congrats and thankyou for the lovely tribute to my sister #NaziaHassan,” he wrote. Commenting on that, Meesha wrote: “Of all the love and appreciation pouring in from all over the world, nothing can match the emotional value of this acknowledgement.” “This means the absolute world to me and all those who worked on this tribute,” she went on to say. “Millions of #NaziaHassan #NaziaZoheb fans continue celebrating their undying love for an iconic legend today just as passionately as they did decades ago,” she added.