Accused Samina Munir was sent to jail on a 14-day judicial remand on Monday in a case of violence against an 11-year-old housemaid in Madina Town area while the main accused Rana Munir was released on bail on Sunday. An inquiry has been started against the SHO Madina Town Police Station and the investigating officer for not getting medical treatment of the victim girl, on which the SSP Internal Accountability Bureau has summoned both the officers. Sadaf, an 11-year-old housemaid, was tortured by an influential family in the Eden Valley area of Madina Town police station. She was slapped, grabbed by her hair and dragged and pushed. The video went viral. Babar Jamil sent it to the Child Protection Welfare Bureau Faisalabad. At the request of Child Protection Officer Samina Nadir, accused Rana Munir was arrested by Madina Town police station. A case was registered against his wife Samina Nadir under section 328 TPP and Rana Munir was arrested. However, Madina Town Police produced him in the court of Civil Judge Zulfiqar Ahmed yesterday after reconciliation with the girl’s heirs, the court ordered her release on bail of Rs 100,000 bond. Taking notice of the incident, Chief Minister Usman Bazdar sought a report from CPO Faisalabad Muhammad Sohail Chaudhry, who ordered the arrest of the accused named in the case, Samina Munir. Madina Town Police arrested Samina Munir and remanded her in custody. She was produced in the court of Magistrate Nasrullah. During the hearing, Ijaz Aslam, District Officer, Child Protection and Welfare Bureau, and Rubina Iqbal, Child Protection Officer, appeared and told the court that 11-year-old Sadaf, was not handed over to the Child Protection Bureau by the police but in Sahiwal in the dark of night it handed her over to her parents. After hearing the case, Magistrate Nasrullah sent Samina Munir to jail on a 14-day judicial remand. On this occasion, the court clarified that the accused was charged under Section 34 of the IPC. Judicial remand has been granted and Section 34 is a non-bailable offense. On the notice of City Police Officer Muhammad Sohail Chaudhry, an inquiry has been ordered against SHO Madina Town Rai Aftab, and investigating officer Zeeshan for poor performance and investigation in the case of torture of 11-year-old girl Sadaf. It is to be noted that both police officers are accused of not arresting Samina Munir and instead of arranging her medical treatment, the victim was handed over to her parents. In this regard, Ijaz Aslam Dogar, District Officer, Child Protection and Welfare Bureau, said that the police acted partially in all these cases and the girl was not given into the custody of the Child Protection and Welfare Bureau.