Stocks witnessed some resistance against negative sentiments on Tuesday, as investors partially halted panic selling bandwagon. The kse-100 index gained 55.01 points by the session closing and closed at 39,127.48 index level amid a volatile trading day. On Tuesday, Kse-100 index continued its bearish momentum right from the beginning of the session as the index lost more than 500 points following selling pressure. However, flipping its trajectory towards the sessions closing, stocks witnessed some late buying after value hunters dived into cherry picking oversold equities, which lifted the index to the positive territory. The market closely followed some improvement in economic data and recovery in international oil prices due to demand optimism, however, major buying activity was witnessed in Cement sector. However, market sentiments continues to be swayed by increasing Covid-19 cases and a possible second wave of the pandemic which threatens to slow down the revival of economic activity. Moreover, negative perception reined in investor sentiments, over fears of escalating political tensions, which has kicked in ever since PML-N president and Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif had been arrested by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) last week. During the day the index remained volatile throughout the day, recording its intraday low at 38,568.95 after losing 503.52 points, but later reversed its losses to touch its intraday high at 39,349.29 after gaining 276.82 points. The Index traded in a range of 773.84 points or 1.98% of previous close. During the day, index volumes slightly decreased from 277.944 million shares recorded in the previous session to 274.46 million shares , while the overall market volumes also slightly dipped from 409.95 million shares recorded in the previous session to 406.04 million shares. The volume chart was led by Hascol Petroleum Limited, followed by Unity Foods Limited and TRG Pakistan Limited. The scrips exchanged 78.20 million, 36.81 million and 29.39 million shares, respectively. Sectors which dented the index were Oil & Gas Exploration Companies with 31 points, Commercial Banks with 16 points, Automobile Assembler with 9 points, Technology & Communication with 8 points and Investment banks with 7 points. Among the scrips, most points taken off the index was by Bank Al Habib Limited which stripped the index of 19 points followed by Oil & Gas Development Company limited with 18 points, TRG Pakistan Limited with 11 points, DAWH with 10 points and Habib Bank Limited with 10 points. However, Sectors which showed some resistance were Cement with 23 points, Insurance with 19 points, Oil & Gas Marketing Companies with 12 points, Power Generation & Distribution with 12 points and Fertilizer with 10 points. Among the scrips, most points added to the index was by Bank Al Falah Limited which contributed 16 points followed by ENGRO with 15 points, National Bank of Pakistan with 14 points, SEARL with 13 points.