Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar inspected the Nullah Lai in Rawalpindi on Thursday and expressed satisfaction over the cleanliness arrangements. He also inspected the proposed land site for the construction of the roadway at Lai Nullah and planted a sapling at Rialto Park near Mareer Chowk under tree plantation drive.
Talking on this occasion, the CM stated that 85 billion rupees will be spent on Lai Nullah and expressway projects under public-private partnership mode and four interchanges will be constructed along with setting up special plants to separate rainwater from sewerage. This would help to overcome the devastation of floods and the dream of the expressway will be materialized by us, he added. The CM said that this project is a right of the residents of Rawalpindi city adding that trees will also be planted on both sides of Lai Nullah. The two-way Lai Nullah roadway will facilitate the locals in their movement, he added.
The CM was briefed that the utility corridors will also be constructed on Lai Nullah roadway. The 16KM long Lai Nullah would be constructed from Katarian Bridge via Ammar Chowk and 2750 Kanal land is being acquired for it. The Lai Nullah has been cleansed with private collaboration and special attention has been paid to 7 points where rainwater affects the locals.
Federal Railways Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmad said that timely cleanliness of Lai Nullah is a good step of CM Punjab who is fulfilling the right of public service. Earlier, Federal Minister Sheikh Rashid welcomed the CM at Rialto Park where a briefing was also given to him. Local parliamentarians, Commissioner, DC and MD WASA were also present on this occasion.
A delegation led by PTI chief organizer Saif Ullah Niazi called on Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar at the Commissioner’s Office in Rawalpindi on Thursday and discussed matters of mutual interest.
Taking on this occasion, the CM reiterated the journey of public service will be moved forward with speed adding that a spate of negative politics will be answered in the shape of public service. The propagandists will remain unsuccessful as like the past and performance of the Punjab government will be highlighted in an effective manner while providing more and more facilities to the citizens at their doorsteps, he added. Senior Vice President PTI Arshad Daad, party leaders Shahid Yousaf, Jamal Ansari, Ejaz Minhas and others were also present. Provincial ministers and relevant MPAs participated from CMO through video link.
A delegation of Insaf Doctors Forum Pakistan led by its president Dr Madeer Khan also met with CM Punjab and apprised him about their problems. Punjab President Dr Mohsin Ranjha, General Secretary Pakistan Dr Saeed Mustafa and others were also present on this occasion. Dr Asim Riaz, Dr Asjad Saleem, Dr Abbas Meerani, Dr Ahmad Shamsi, Dr Umer and Dr Afzal participated from CMO through Video link. On the occasion, the CM maintained that the PTI government has introduced revolutionary reforms in the health sector so as to modernize it and added that health professionals have played an important role during the coronavirus pandemic. The government appreciates the services rendered by the doctors’ community, he added. The health budget has been increased as compared with previous years. The doctors’ problems will be solved on a priority basis as their welfare is the responsibility of the government which will be fulfilled, he continued.
The CM inaugurated a police online App for the residents of Rawalpindi. The people would access police services through this application along with Rawalpindi’s latest traffic situation and the presence of a nearby police station. The people could also check about the law and order situation of an area before deciding about their stay there. The CM stated that the police department will be made a servant of the people in the real sense. Moveable cameras have been installed at police vehicles for surveillance in Rawalpindi and protection centres have also been set up for the transgender community, he said. The government will continue to provide the necessary financial and human resources to the police. 10000 recruitments are being made in police and 45 new police stations will be established in Punjab while land has been earmarked for 101 PS buildings, he stated.
Later, the CM chaired a meeting at Murree in which it was decided in principle to set up a new police station and subdivision in Murree and CM gave approval to it. Additional DC and SP will be posted in Murree. The CM stated that a new water supply scheme will be launched with an amount of 22 crore rupees to provide 6 lakh gallons of water daily. Meanwhile, 17 km long Murree-Muzaffarabad road will be completed with Rs 2.42 crore and 3.5 lakh fruit trees will also be planted. The CM directed to enforce new construction bylaws in Murree as soon as possible as the act has been passed by the Punjab assembly. Kohsar University will also be set up in Murree soon, he added. The CM also planted a sapling at forest house Murree to kickstart monsoon tree plantation drive. Sadaqat Ali Abbasi MNA, commissioner, RPO and DC Rawalpindi were also present.
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has termed passing of The Punjab Tahaffuz-e-Bunyad-e-Islam Act, 2020 as a historical initiative of the incumbent government.
In a statement issued here on Thursday, the CM stated that this would promote interreligious harmony besides blocking publication of controversial material. Punjab is the first province which has enacted such legislation and Speaker Ch. Pervaiz Elahi and MPAs deserve accolades, he added. He said the implementation of this law will also help in preventing publication of hate material about different religions. According to the Act, the printing of Khatam-un-Nabiyyin and Peace Be Upon Him have been made compulsory with the blessed name of Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Similarly, objectionable comments about Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Ahle-Bait, Khulafa-e-Rashideen, Ashab-e-Rasool and Ummahatul Momineen will be a cognizable offence. Similarly, the use of controversial and derogatory words about Holy Prophets, angels, four holy books and Islam will also be a cognisable offence. In case of violation, along with the imposition of five-year sentence and five lakh rupees fine, action will also be initiated under Pakistan Penal Code, the CM concluded.