ISLAMABAD: Flocks upon flocks of anti-state elements have thickened their presence in the federal capital in the guise of professional beggars rendering it vulnerable to acts of sabotage and terrorism. Sources told Daily Times that there were certain gangs operating in the federal capital who provide toddlers and children to male and female beggars in return for a hefty amount for begging in the city. In the presence of these children, the citizens, under compassion and pity give out considerable amount in alms to these beggars. These gangs increase the rate of these children manifold as soon as the weather grows intensely hot or very cold. It is inhuman to note that these gangs don’t provide any medical treatment to these children, if they fall sick, in their lust for earning money and instead they force them to beg. Sources said that these children who were hired in return for inflated compensation died due to diseases like pneumonia, cold, flu and sun stroke and no one was there to look after them in such situations. The gangs who sponsor these children have grown so much callous and tyrannical that the death of these innocent children does not move their hearts or feeling. On the other hand they place some other child against the dead child the very next day. According to the Pakistan penal code, if the parents or legal heirs force the children to beg and leave them stranded in infancy, due to which they can die then this becomes a cognizable offence. But the police show sheer negligence and slackness neither registering any case against the gangsters nor taking any action against the callous parents and legal heirs, in order to eliminate beggary. Sources said that Islamabad is abuzz with the anti- state elements in the guise of beggars. They are allegedly involved in heinous crimes like robberies, banditry and kidnapping for ransom. Workers of certain banned outfits are also roaming in the federal capital in the guise of such beggars and their presence can render Islamabad a victim to any deadly act of sabotage and terrorism. The interior ministry had issued directives to the IG Islamabad to take action against these gangs of criminals but they are still occupying the busiest points in the city and doing their job with impunity.