Jessica Simpson will not tolerate being body-shamed, especially in the year 2020. As one of the many famous celebrities who’s attended the exclusive Met Gala event over the years, the singer was looking forward to taking a walk down memory lane this first Monday in May. However, she was appalled to see that Sally Singer, former Vogue creative digital director, remarked on Simpson’s breasts in the Vogue article “Only at the Met: An Oral History of the World’s Most Glamorous Gala,” rather than the fashion from the night or other moments. Specifically, Singer recalled, “One year Jessica Simpson was there with John Mayer. She was wearing Michael Kors and her breasts maybe fell out of her dress on the red carpet…and then at dinner it was suddenly like, whoa, Jessica Simpson’s breasts are across from me at the dinner table and they are on a platter and I’m looking at them.” Singer went so far as to insinuate that Jessica and John got intimate at the dinner in 2007, too. “John Mayer was putting his hands on them at the dinner table. He kind of reached down and I just remember thinking, ‘Oh, celebrities, feel free to play here. That’s what’s going on.'” But Jessica remembers that night a lot differently. On Instagram she wrote, “Feeling a little like Jayne Mansfield after reading this oral history of the #MetBall where I am body shamed by #SallySinger.” This was in reference to an iconic photo of Sophia Loren staring at Jayne’s revealing decolletage. Singer went so far as to insinuate that Jessica and John got intimate at the dinner in 2007, too. ‘John Mayer was putting his hands on them at the dinner table. He kind of reached down and I just remember thinking, Oh, celebrities, feel free to play here. That’s what’s going on’ It must be noted that the year Jessica attended the gala with John, she actually wore a Roberto Cavalli gown, not Michael Kors, so Singer’s recollection is inaccurate in more ways than one. She then expressed the disappointment she felt in reading Singer’s words. “In all seriousness I have persevered through shaming my own body and internalizing the world’s opinions about it for my entire adult life. To read this much anticipated article about the classiest fashion event there is and have to be shamed by another woman for having boobs in 2020 is nauseating,” the singer shared. Vogue has since issued an apology statement, which reads, “We are sorry that Jessica felt body-shamed by the anecdote in our Met piece. That was never our intent, but we understand her reaction and we apologize for including it.” Indeed, the 39-year-old has expressed feelings of insecurity on multiple occasions, including in her recently released memoir. In the book, she shared that fame caused her to start “to hear voices when I was alone at night, waiting for the sleeping pill to kick in.” These “voices” would tell her, “Do more sit-ups, fat ass.” But, as Simpson said in 2014, “I’ve grown into myself and established my identity on my terms. I embrace my strengths and celebrate even the small victories.” E! News has Sally Singer for comment.