Even though times are changing, many people still hold the view that women should stay at home and take care of the kids, feed them and clean up after them. Despite all this, a woman of today is more powerful and strong-willed as compared to a woman of the eighteenth century. A woman of today learns to juggle between home and work, and takes care of a zillion things all at once. However, there are also some women who have said goodbye to all responsibilities other than their work and their passion. These females pursue their dreams by running after them. These individuals are not confined by walls or doors. The world is at their fingertips. They travel and work simultaneously, and a more fitting term for them is digital nomads. There are male digital nomads too, but being a female digital nomad is way more challenging, and requires tons of will power and a very strong head on part of the woman. Most of us might have seen a person with a laptop in from of them, typing away at super speed in a casual roadside cafe, a garden full of shady trees, or the roof of a high-rise building made almost entirely out of glass. That person might be working, or they might be simply enjoying a movie. However, chances are that the person under discussion might just be a digital nomad. Now, you might say that you have heard of nomads, and you definitely know what digital means, but what on earth is a digital nomad? That is pretty simple. A digital nomad is simply a person who uses technology to work and earn a living, but does not do so in a confined space or an office. Digital nomads are not held back by anything, some might feel at home perched on a metal chair in a cute little balcony overlooking the hustle and bustle of a market, while some might make the edge of a cliff their haven. Digital nomads are always on the move. They never know which country, city, town or village might become the inspiration for their next project. The thought of becoming a digital nomad might sound a bit crazy at first. However, there are a million reasons due to which being a digital nomad might possibly be one of the most amazing things in the world. Being a digital nomad means that the entire world is spinning on your fingertips. You can do anything you want, and literally anywhere you want. If you ever regret your decision to go a beach in Miami where splashes of water from the waves ruined your laptop cover, you don’t have anybody to blame but you yourself. Humans are extremely complicated beings. For example, a person might be happy driving a car around the entire day, but the instant her little sister forces her to drive her to the mall, they get irritated. The freedom to choose is all that makes or breaks the situation. Women and girls often love to compete with their friends, especially about things like beauty, fashion, makeup, hairstyles etcetera. And who doesn’t like to travel? Being a digital nomad has tons of benefits, but one of the biggest perks of being a digital nomad is that you get to see the most exotic, and not so exotic, spots of the world. Digital nomads get to see a variety of cultures and try a plethora of different cuisines. They get to experience a million more interesting things than a person who sits in front of a laptop in a four walled cabin, almost every single day of his life. You can always send cute postcards or souvenirs to your friends to make them jealous! It cannot be denied that many good universities and multinationals give preference to candidates who have travelled abroad or been a part of exchange programs during their student life. Even though books are a great source of knowledge, knowledge is incomplete if it is not accompanied by experience. And experience comes when we fight our way out of situations that will probably have a zero chance of occurring if we do not get out of the confines of our home or office. In the same amount of time, the experience gathered by a digital nomad will be a million times more than the experience of an office employee. A person who does a nine to five job in an office will probably never know how to prevent death from a scorpion bite, or how to spend two days with just half a bottle of water, or how to light a fire with no matchstick. These might seem to be very insignificant things, but knowing them means that you might be able to save a life one day. Being a digital nomad means personal growth, as it teaches the valuable lessons of patience, perseverance, and enables a person to appreciate life and the countless blessings of God more often. The majority of people in the world want a job that enables them to enjoy a good salary package and other benefits such as health and education allowances, annual holidays and other perks. Is that it? Are there no other perspectives to working? Does it mean that you are ready to waste your sweat and blood for a job that you don’t really like, for a few pieces to paper that can buy most things in the world? While there are a large number of people in this world who can do practically any job for money, there are also many individuals who are not bothered by the amount of pay. They just want to do something they love. Some find their passion early, some find it late. But if you don’t look for it, how can you hope to find your passion? A cabin or room with three and a half walls and a door is definitely not enough space to find your ultimate passion. Go out, look for it. You never know what might be found where. Ask any doctor, nutritionist or physiotherapist in the world and they will not deny the fact that sitting in an office all day in front of a computer is not very good for a person’s health. As opposed to this, walking, trekking, hiking or basking in the sun,as is the case for digital nomads, is extremely beneficial for the health of a person. Digital nomads don’t need to specifically go to the gym, or eat oats and other boring healthy foods because whatever they eat is utilized soon after they set out for their next destination. The nature and picturesque sceneries around the working spot of digital nomads also help to keep their mind fresh and attentive, which ultimately enables them to work better, and with more diligence. Your face will glow, and your skin will become clear and free from acne, which is an added bonus! Do female digital nomads even exist? Of course they do! Jodi Ettenberg was a corporate lawyer for more than five years in New York, and quit her job for what she thought would be a year-long holiday but turned out to be something that would last for a lifetime. She started a blog called Legal Nomads with the purpose of letting her friends and family know about her whereabouts and about all the fun and adventures she was having. However, her blog soon grew, and her focus ultimately shifted to food, especially street food. She wrote a book about it as well, called The Food Traveller’s Handbook, and is also planning to start small food group walks sometime soon. Christine is one person who was just not willing to do a job she did not love. She tried her hand at it for some time, but soon gave up and managed to convince her husband to sell everything and become vagabonds with their two beloved dogs. The experience of travelling inspired her so much that she decided to write blogs about it and help other people learn about the amazing experience of becoming a vagabond. She has been to several picturesque spots of the world, with Nicaragua being one of her most recent destinations. If you do decide to go ahead and become a digital nomad, it is good to have a few tips at hand. Prepare beforehand! It is always better to be prepared before moving to a new place. A digital nomad should know beforehand about the weather and living conditions of his new destination, so that he can pack and buy new stuff accordingly. Not being able to work because of some unforeseen unfortunate situation might be a valid excuse, but if this happens too often, the person might lose credibility in front of his clients. So, a digital nomad should try to keep things under control as much as is possible.A digital nomad cannot really travel without her passport or identity card, and nor can she really enjoy without any money at hand. Personal documents and a toothbrush are the items that most people forget to pack before setting off. A toothbrush is important, but that can be bought literally anywhere. Forgetting personal documents leads to a big hassle and that spoils all the fun.And a digital nomad cannot really be a digital nomad without her gadgets, right? Backups are very important too, because technology can betray anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Extra batteries and spare chargers are essential. Universal converter plugs, and a power bank must be a part of your digital ensemble. It is nice to use a bag that has a lot of pockets for all the wires and pins and tiny parts. Heavy laptops are not very comfortable to carry around, so a notebook or one of the lightweight designs are a nicer option. If a digital nomad arrives at her next destination at 2am, she might not find any food shops open. A snack or energy bar stashed in her backpack might come in handy in such a situation. Munching at a snack also helps to pass time or distract yourself while hiking or trekking, and also keeps energy and motivation levels high. Every single thing or situation in the entire world has its own good and bad points. Nothing is completely good and nothing is completely bad. Digital nomadism is no different. Being able to work wherever you like, and at whatever time you like, might sound like an awesome idea, but not everything about being a digital nomad is awesome. Even at the most beautiful spot, a digital nomad has to work after all. She cannot just lie back and sip a cocktail. Beautiful sights might be an inspiration, but they might also be a distraction. It can be especially hard for digital nomads to define boundaries for work and enjoyment. Plus, however strong willed a person is, a time will definitely come when they just want to stop and rest. Despite all this, being a digital nomad provides a woman with a once in a lifetime chance of being free to fly!