Rashid Rana, renowned contemporary artist from Pakistan, made the virtual felt more real and touched the hearts of his friends from all continents, when he and his wife (the artist, Aroosa Rana), held an online get together for his birthday on 6th April. Rashid Rana says, “he has never been a fan of celebrating birthdays but at these uncertain times one feels the need to celebrate life more than ever before”. At about 8 pm on Monday, the 6th of April, friends across the world got an invite for a birthday party at 10.30! That must be the shortest ever time anyone has been given for a birthday celebration, but in our days of world lockdown, nothing seemed more welcoming than meeting and coming close to friends! Only Rashid Rana could make this happen! It was his birthday and his wife Aroosa Rana and he were the hosts on Zoom! This last-minute idea for a virtual birthday celebration, while in quarantine, was well attended by more than 50 virtual guests; most of them distinguished professionals of the artworld.. Among renowned gallerists and visual artists were Haroon Mirza, Subodh Gupta, Bani Abidi, Shireen Gaandhi. Pakistani stars like Ali Zafar and Ayesha Omar were also present. Both of them sang birthday wishes for the legendary artist.