Gone are the days when friends and colleagues had long discussions and prolonged sittings to reach the solutions for their impending problems of either nature. They would discuss their personal, job oriented, organizational, business and social problems, share their learning coated theories and reach solutions, plunge in experiments and review results again in the sittings. Now everybody is short of time, expects quick results, laments on failures and discontinues the work and experiments new venture and this goes on and on. The most people who invest some energy or finance are found short of breath to get profits. When they are asked of the plans, their mission to reach they talk about the experience they have done and example others’ efforts in the same circle. This the real condition of unplanned startups, functional organizations and individuals experiences enterprises. It is observed that the organizations which have experiential learning, history of work, sound profile have also been observed at the verge of disaster when they have financial crunches and barriers due to any of the reasons. They don’t have clear road to go ahead. They get hard to get out of such circumstances. In the month of January I had the few assignments with development sector organizations, where I had series of prolonged meetings and discussions with heads of organizations and senior managers. Everybody shared that the sector has been squeezed due to various reasons, there are funding problems and the time has proved that things are not so easy that were before. They shared many ingenious organizations have had to take decisions to discontinue offices; a substantial number of professionals is jobless. Everybody is speculating for what and how, there are no solutions – a tension roams everywhere in the sector. When I discussed them what are the activities they initiated to get out of this situation. They responded that the organizations were dependent on the external funding; the driven organizations had inadequate organizational and management systems, as a result the financial support went off and organizations were unable to maintain viability. The organizations vision, missions couldn’t direct the change process and the creative tension aggravated discomfort instead of managing change and finding solutions. The gap of market demanded skills and supply to the market is huge one However some of the exemplary indigenous organizations have prepared themselves to get out of such situations. They carried out analysis of situations and modified their rules of business, systems and procedures faced the upcoming challenges. Such organizations have advanced development models, and enterprises which are not dependent on external financial support but the initiatives are self-sustained and contributing to the organizations. They majority have not prepared themselves and ultimately they discontinued the great cause they deemed to bring change. A large number of professional people who were at high level job cadres in the development sector are jobless and have little options of lowest scale at which they worked so far. Their opinion is not different from their parent organizations where they contributed. They blame of work homogeneity for years, they didn’t update skills and they didn’t learn different. As the development sector faced diverse situations they felt unfit in the specialized job market. Since what they used to do was apparently different from the industrial job market and some of them shared they are not able to give tuitions to the children. Such a tension has not surrounded the development sector professionals but it is general condition of the educated people and youth they are spending in sitting idle. The largest number of unemployed people has fewer skills needed for job market. People rush to the government for jobs, private sector and the corporate with common set of skills, without specific knowledge, information and skills, when rejected from the institutions blame for lack of transparency and integrity of employers. However it could not be denied to some extent but being capable and skilled doesn’t lose priority. The gap of market demanded skills and supply to the market is huge one, which even Technical & Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions are not taking efforts to fill; because there are very little number of researches on the topic. However such research has to be done within short intervals, to learn and update. I have gone through a study conducted in Sindh by Pakistan Institute of Development Economics with support of The British Council Pakistan which concluded there is “an overall skill deficit in Sindh but the skills institutes appear to not focus on the most important skills. These problems are also largely relevant to the four major skill gaps i.e. English skills, Computer and Information Technology (IT) skills, Numeracy and computational skills, and proficiency in updated technology”. However the study quoted above has given generalized results and is limited to one province doesn’t focus on the technical type of things required by corporate organizations working in different technical ventures. But whatever the study has found out is solely important for the TEVT institutions to incorporate recommended solutions in their respective curricula to fill out the demand and supply gaps. For little let’s learn how Singapore turned from underdeveloped to the developed nation after its independence in 1965, according to the UNESCO’s Paper Commissioned for the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2012, Singapore for its economic expansion linked its National Policies with TVET programs through shifting its policy by aligning education systems with economic development, changing public perceptions and image, and leveraging on industry partners. These three major initiatives turned country to be economically sound and vibrant nation in the world. Coming to us we still need to bring TVET in the mainstream education, change the parents mind set from academic education to technical and boost industry fir creating opportunities. Because it is said that country has more than 40 percent population under age of 18 years, which has to learn, gain skills and mainstream in the job market; with set of expertise required for future. If we will be going along with what is happening, we will not be even to generate creative tension. Personally I have observed many educated youth after competing university education get more confused, however they are supposed to be focused, directed, and well informed about the future. But on contrary they are surrounded by various dilemmas. They do not have way out to do what; they do not have sufficient knowledge, skills, and information; because they do not have any research in the subject areas. I have seen many students their post graduate thesis is written by somebody else. As a result more educated gets more discomfort, due to not working properly at times of study. I asked to a university professor to change the teaching methodology at varsity level, and encourage students to explore, research and self-study instead of lecture on some topic, a simply model experiment and etc.; because purpose of university education should be creating knowledge instead of imparting knowledge. So we have learnt, probably our tensions are deliberate outcome of lethargy, procrastination and indifference which are not manageable in given conditions. Paradoxically a huge number of population is experiencing it. It could be supposed that our tension aggravates not due to finding solutions but due to not performing due part when it is required. However creative tension requires further thinking for change, and finding solutions, but we have many people engaged either in development, workforce, and education are at challenging phase to face problems which are not at their level to reach the solutions. The systems thinking at government level is needed to facilitate institutions, ensure quality, innovate and change so that everybody finds solutions instead of heaping tensions. The writer is freelance columnist.