Pakistan is one of the major players at global levelwhich arefighting to maintain and sustain peace through troops, ideas and sacrifices. Pakistan has history of 66 years of sending troops and presenting ideas for UN peace missions. Pakistan has contributed 200000 troops for different peace mission across the world under the umbrella of UN. During the course of time 156 Pakistanis scarified their life to protect the world peace. It includes 131soldiers, 24 officers of different ranks and one female. Despite the massive loss Pakistan’s soldiers are still leading the way to protect the world peace. Pakistani peace keepers have adopted multi-dimensional approach to strengthen their role and contribution. They are also providing complementary services to local community along with peace keeping activities. In many areas Pakistanis are imparting training in the fields of computers and other life skills. These activities helped Pakistan to build close and friendly relationship with local community, which is contributing to executing their duties with efficiency.
According to the UN 6000 troops from Pakistan are deputed in different peace missions. It includes personals from army, police and experts’ groups. Pakistani police is creating a new norm of performing duties in most disturbed areas. Recently, female troops from Pakistan emerged as the most efficient and dedicated soldiersin executing their duty during their posting in different UN peace mission. They are performing as per the excellence of Pakistan’s arm forces reputation. Pakistan’s arm forces always took honor to be stationed in most difficult fields and have built reputation to serve at any cost. UN many times recognized the sacrifices of Pakistanis.
Pakistan also suffered massively during the war on terror, but never backed out from its commitment to work closely with Afghan people. Pakistan is hosting refugees and working tirelessly to facilitate the peace process in Afghanistan
Pakistan is also serving as second home to war affected people. Owning to Afghan war millions of refugees came to Pakistan. Although significant numbers of refugees went to Afghanistan but still millions are living in Pakistan. According to UNHCR, almost 4.5 million refuges went back Afghanistan since 2002 through programs and efforts of UNHCR, Pakistan, Afghanistan and other partners. However, 1.416 million Afghan refugees are still staying in Pakistan in 54 refugee camps. It is also highlighted by different agencies that a good number of Afghan refugees are living in different parts of Pakistan without registration with UNHCR or government of Pakistan. International community is help Pakistan to sustain these refuges but chunk of responsibility is taken care by Pakistan.
It is not only about the money or food to feed but most importantly is self-respect and human dignity. Pakistan is hosting refuges with open arms and generosity. Country opened its door and embrace the Afghan brothers and sisters. They were given chances to benefit from the services of country. Millions of Afghan refugees benefited from medical services without any cost. Pakistani hospitals are still providing services to refugees. We can find hundreds of people visiting medical facilities. Education is another area where Pakistan contributed massively.
Pakistan also suffered massively during the war on terror, but never backed out from its commitment to work closely with Afghan people. Pakistan is hosting refugees and working tirelessly to facilitate the peace process in Afghanistan.
Apart from government, people of Pakistan are also big-heartedly working to help our Afghan brothers and sister. A number of organizations and individual are working to assist refugees. Javeed Afridi a Pakistani business man is helping refugees through sports. He is youth ambassador of UNHCR in Pakistan. He is using sports to engage and promote the cause of refugees’ welfare. He also offered opportunities for livelihoods. Sustainable Development Policy Institute is providing ideas to serve the refugees. Mahira Khan, UNHCR ambassador in Pakistan, famous Pakistani Actress is also working to promote the cause of refugees in Pakistan.
Pakistan’s participation in peace missions and catering for refugees are in line with core principle of our foreign policy. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said “”Our foreign policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards all the nations of the world. We do not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation. We believe in the principle of honesty and fair play in national and international dealings and are prepared to make our utmost contribution to the promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world. Pakistan will never be found lacking in extending its material and moral support to the oppressed and suppressed peoples of the world, and in upholding the principles of the United Nations Charter.”
Pakistan is adhering to principle of peace and peaceful co-exitance since it’s inception but recently we have become more vocal on it. Pakistan openly declared that Pakistan will only be partner in peace. Pakistan will not participate or support any type of wars or armed conflicts. Pakistan is helping USA and allies to forge a peace deal with Taliban in Afghanistan. Now it seems that both parties are very close to have a peace deal. Pakistan was also actively engaged in defusing tension between Iran and USA during the recent conflict. Even before, the conflict Prime minister of Pakistan was preaching to avoid conflict during his visit to USA PM asked USA to work with Iran and look for a deal, which can ensure peace in region.
Now the world has started to recognize the efforts of Pakistan. Many world leaders have started to praise Pakistan for its efforts. This statement can be qualified by the active engagement of world leaders with Pakistani leadership. For example, António Guterres, Secretary General of United Nations has arrived in Pakistan to celebrate Pakistan’s work on refugees during last four decades. Secretary General is also very well aware of Pakistan’s contribution in peace missions and he openly commend the services of Pakistan.
Secretary General will spend very busy days. He will interact multiple stakeholders of Peace, Refugees and Sustainable Development. He will also visit Lahore and will spend some time with students. Let’s hope this visit pave a way for sustainable peace in region and for everyone, especially for refugees.
The writer is a Political Economist, Work on China