We all are human beings, some say we are from Adam, some say we are from apes and some say we are aliens from another planet. In any case we all are human and to fulfil our human needs and wants we create and to make then easier to use we create inventions which helps us. with all these inventions we are also destroying our society somehow. my question is, are we here to create or destroy either we are descended from God, alien or an Ape, we all do creation and along with creation we also destroy something, but why are they equal? Why do we create? We create to fulfil our needs and wants. We make inventions day by day to make our human life easier and easier. These inventions cost human time, hard work and money, yes! money, without money we cannot do anything in this 21 century, our clothes, shoes, mostly everything you got came from money and you can also see most of the books in this 21 century are about how to make money and how to be success. well to be honest there is only one way to make money and it is hard work even if you do it the legal way or the illegal way you have to do hard work. inventions are great but they also destroy the society or nature equally (for example) mobile phones: mobiles phone or cell phone make our life easy by connecting us to our relatives and friend which are far away. it helps in study, it helps us make new friends on social media, mobile phone destroys us equal (for example) chat in real life are reduce, debates and physical interactions are reduced very low and makes us confidant in front of people. social media can also be used as illegal acts, like, blackmailing, cyber-crime. We all know that now mobile phones are our essential want but with time, owing to our necessity, this want has become our need The more they update it the more you get insane by using the device. for the inventors this is their business. but for us it is a new problem that we do not understand. these cell phones emit electromagnetic wave which are dangerous to our body and our environment. the inventors are living in a mansion they do not care about the country about the world they have the money to go to mars when need to. we all know that now mobile phone is our essential want but time by time our unnecessary wants becomes a necessary need. For example) car, car is a medium to move quickly from one place to another, but people are using it wrongly and rightly in the way, people use it for fun, and these fun increases the death ratio, death ration is now growing quickly, few months before four teenagers were driving fast and accidentally a truck came in front of the car and all four teenagers died in that accident. granting every car to have 180, 240 km/h, of course they will try it to make them a cool rider, 180, 240 km/h or above should be giving on cars the helps in emergency like, Ambulance, Police cars and firefighter. Industries are helping us by producing materials that we need and want but also emitting highly toxic gasses which are polluting our environment, which are affecting ozone layer and the atmosphere, because of this toxic gasses India suffers from acidic rain, whenever rain patters in India. Wastes of the industries are dumped in the oceans, which pollutes the water, because of dumping wastes in water and against the wall causes people to suffer diseases of many kinds. Karachi have high disease ratio than any other city in Pakistan just because of water and the dumping of garbage in Karachi. Global warming is increasing climate changes are getting disturbed by global warming. These gasses are indirectly affecting in our daily life. if we do not do anything, we have to face some consequences. There is some good creation, which we call creative destruction. In which we create or upgrade, to destroy the old invention and make it better and new, we all know, the more they update the more feature they add the more we will buy it and make our self-involved and get more socially, physically damaged by these inventions. now school system is also becoming out date because of new invention for studying, students do not need teacher they need internet to study, The wealthy people have no worries because they have wealth to control the situation, they have money to handle the things. everyone knows the industries belongs to the affluent people and workshop belongs to Sardar and wadyras. poor people just want to live a sufficient life but these inventions will never let a poor man live a moment of leisure time, to provide his family, to give everything that a son a daughter want or need makes a poor or a middle-class people restless. because of these inventions the world will suffer from a murky and a dreadful era. life is not about how easy is your life by destroying, life is about how hard you try to make it easy by making no destruction. but we destroy or create it result will always be the same for the wealthy ones, only deficient will suffer. Creation and destruction are equal, whenever you try to create something you automatically destroy something. but can we create without destruction, and why are we here “to create or destroy”. if we are here to create our way to heavens then why we bother to destroy the earth. Are we here to create or destroy? The writer is a student based in Quetta. He can be reached at kingkahoor@gmail.com