Sindh’s agricultural land is being affected with salinity and waterlogging, of that, there are several reasons. Few of them are parent soil material, low precipitations, depleting underground water table, mono-cropping culture, absence of an efficient drainage system and the increasing temperatures. All these lead to reducing agriculture productivity and the household incomes of farming families, who are solely dependent on their lands. Salinity related issues leave the worst impacts in many parts of Sindh, especially in the coastal areas due to sea intrusion and other climatic conditions, where farmers leave their lands and adopt another occupation. As a result, food security and livestock situation continue to deteriorate. Some studies undertaken by the independent organizations inform that around 2.11m ha of Sindh’s total 5m ha cultivable land is now hit by salinity. Action Against Hunger (ACF), an international organization working to end hunger through innovative approaches launched a salinity affected land reclamation project in Taluka Mirpur Sakro, Thatta through demonstration and promotion of leguminous green fodders, that have the capacity of nitrogen fixation into the soils, helping them regain fertility. Of that, the beauty was equipping small and poor female farmers with the provision of cash grants, quality open-pollinated fodder seeds, biofertilizers, and land management training. Through the project, twenty 22 females have reclaimed their saline lands and grew fodders. All have plans to cultivate now the food crops, such as red rice and vegetables of that the lower Sindh is a suitable belt. ACF conducted empirical research on soil fertility analysis in collaboration with Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam, to assess soil quality and the amount of the salinity that affects crops. On the basis of research findings, scientific efforts were stepped in for the selection of appropriate green fodders that could help farmers regain soils. The study revealed that the prevalence of salinity is very high in the areas, particularly near to the coast. Biomass Techniques were also used for the assessment of yield per acre. Biomass production by the plant species was found to be directly proportional to their reclamation efficiency, SAU report reveals. Through the scientific demonstrations, some 25 acres of land that were highly affected by salinity is successfully reclaimed in 20 villages of Taluka Mirpur Sakro. The crops include Egyptian clover, AlfaAlfa (Lussan), Rhodes grass and Sesbania. Salt tolerant food crop Sugar beet was also demonstrated. Sugar beet is a popular root vegetable used in many cuisines around the world. Beets are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and plant compounds, some of which have medicinal properties. ‘How such a highly saline land could be reclaimed, I was almost confident that it can’t be restored for productivity, as I tried many crops, but failed’, says a 45-years old widow Ms. Zarina, who lives in village Anb Ratto, near Mirpur Sakro Town. After having miraculous soil reclamation of her piece of land, she plans to grow red rice and wheat in the same lands, as it has regained fertility. There are 21 more similar women, who are quite confident of cultivating other crops on their reclaimed soils. The writer is an agriculture professional, who is pursuing his Ph.D. in Soil Sciences at Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam