Shikarpur police conducted 43 encounters with criminals in different areas of the district and succeeded in arresting 65 bandits and injuring 04 and recovered 79 weapons recovered including Kalashnikov rifles, guns, TT pistols, one revolver, two repeaters, and good number of ammunition. Nasim Bukhari, the PRO SSP Shikarpur, issued police performance reports it showed that Shikarpur police have arrested 214 absconders wanted to police in many heinous cases besides arrested 1820 bail proclaimed offenders. 757 accused arrested in different heads physical with Jail remand in which 56 murders, 65 police encounter, 64 arms, 133 Gamblers, 42 Narcotics, 18 dacoity, 18 ATA, 2441 miscellaneous and others. Police have seized 73 Kg Charas, 110 Kg Hemp, 18 Gm Heroin, 168 Litters wine, 8260 Kg Pan / Gutka. 54645 Litters Iranian Oil seized and 19 criminals arrested and 21 cases have been registered against them. A special police party recovered robbed articles from Polio team on 20-12-2019 including 35000 cash, OPPO Mobile, 02 Nokia Mobile, CNIC, ATM, Driving License and Medical Dental Card and other articles and arrested Anwar Jatoi and such articles and money handed over to their owners. 29 people rescued when they came from various districts province on luring female voice while police have placed billboards and pena flex affixed at the various points of the districts and also in the city areas with advice to avoid going on female voice. 32 women were safely rescued from them 25 handed over to their parents and 07 were sent to Dar ul aman. 154 Gamblers and bid money 150850, 57 mobile phone and card recovered from gamblers and cases have been lodged. 364 Motorcycles, 09 Trucks, 07 Mazda, 03 Cars, 01 Datson and One Suzuki, 01 Tractor Trolley, 75 Buffaloes, 35 goats, 11 Batteries, and 03 Solar plates have been recovered during snap checking. 177 vehicles and 215 motorcycles have been challenged during underage driving and 74050 fine recovered. 56 cases of property registered in different heads like snatching motorcycle, theft, dacoity, cattle theft from which 83 criminals have been arrested and 85 per cent property recovered and handed over to their real owners. 05 Kidnapped persons including Ghulam Mustafa, Bilawal Soomro and Ghulam Shabir and Javeed Brohi, have been released during encounter at Katcha area and three criminals along with weapons have been arrested. 50 online complaints through IGP Sindh complaint, 95 through PM Portal and 63 complaints through AIGP Sukkur and DIGP Larkana have been received and all of them were settled down. Besides, 686 local complaints from which 629 have been disposed off while 57 are still in pending. SSP Shikarpur Dr Rizwan Ahmed Khan has transferred the SHOs who were mixed up with criminals. SSP Shikarpur has initiated Medical camp, established of new patrolling and picketing development plan, meeting held with Chamber of Market Committee and established free of cost academy for children of police personals, establishment of new park for women and children of police personal and has taken initiatives to improve electricity at Police Headquarters.