Pakistani actress and singer Hira Salman, commonly known as Hira Mani’s dance on hit Indian song from the film Hum Aapke Hain Kaun is setting fire to the internet with millions of fans left awestruck. The actor could be seen shaking a leg with make-up artist Sajid Wahab on the hit song Maye Ni Maye sung by Lata Mangeshkar. The dance video has gone viral on social media after it was shared by Hira herself on Sajid’s birthday. She wrote, “Happy birthday to you @thesajidwahabofficial I love you so much. Hamesha aisi he rehna real or amaZing (Always be like this real and amazing). lots of love Mere jaan hahah or action ko ignore kerien hahaha ACTION.” The clip was reposted by Sajid with a lot of love. He said: “Thank you so much Hira I could never have uploaded this video but I’m happy that you did .. this is the best gift I could get on my birthday lots of love.”