It was the 14th Century when the tradition of cannon salute actuated when firearms and cannons came up as ravage weapon in warship. It was seven-gun salute related it with seven planets of the universe and the phase of the moon that varies after every seven days. At that time, batteries would have large gunpowder supply so mostly the salute was given with short batteries of 21 guns. Firstly the sodium nitrate was used as gun powder but it had some issues like it was spoiled easily in soil and then potassium nitrate replaced it with improved quality and then it became a part of 21-guns salute. This type of salute also taken place in different events like Royal Navy in 1730, prescribed it for their anniversary dates and this was also mandatory to present a 21-gun salute to the Royal family as well.
Gun salutes taken place in American Revolution, where the first attempt was made in 1776 by the Continental Navy when a 13-gun salute was fired while entering St Eustatius in West Indies.
The first salute presented to Americans, was of nine guns. Stars & Stripes were the first to be honoured with official national salute by a foreign nation in 1778 by Captain John Paul Jones and then in return got the nine-gun salute.
In the 19th century, the gun salute system was changed by the War Department and it was increased from 13 to 17 guns salute. Then the salute was fired on Independence Day of United States at 1 pm (noon) and whenever President any military installation, he was honoured with gun salute equal to the number of states. Then the number of gun-salute was increased to 21 from 17 whenever the US president visited any ship of Navy. It was done in 1818 when America had 21 states. Now the traditions of 21-gun salute have been diversified in the US as it is now fired in honour not only for National flag or president but also for the chief or sovereign of other nation, Ex-president of States and member of reigning family. Now, this salute has been copied by the military of every country. It is also fired in United States at some important days or events like at the funeral of President, Ex-president, and President-elect or on Independence Day, Washington’s day and forth July of every year. A salute of 21-minute guns is fired also on Memorial Day when the flag is flown at half-mast. Military installations also fire 50-guns salute on funereal day of President or Ex-president. Gun salute is also presented to civilian and military leaders according to the rank and one must keep in mind that gun salute is always an odd number.
The first salute presented to Americans, was of nine guns. Stars & Stripes were the first to be honoured with official national salute by a foreign nation in 1778 by Captain John Paul Jones and then in return got the nine-gun salute
At military funerals, three volleys of shots are fired in honour of the deceased veteran with rifles and not with guns. And quantity may vary, not specific to 21 number. Gun is a large calibre weapon so it’s not fired at these funerals. There is a guard team to salute the deceased who fought for the nation and receives three rifle volleys from his institution as his reward. The member of the guard team varies in each country according to the rules and regulations, but generally, this as an old custom of battlefield.
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