Mobile phone networks were partially restored in Indian-held Kashmir on Monday after a 72-day blackout, authorities said, but the internet remains off-limits to the region’s seven million-plus people. India cut access to mobile networks in the occupied valley in early August citing security concerns as it scrapped the region’s semi-autonomous status and imposed a lockdown. The easing on Monday covers around four million post-paid mobile phone contracts, but only for calls and text messages. The internet is still unavailable both on cellphone and fixed line networks. Landlines were restored previously, although residents say connections are erratic. Since the Indian government on August 5 repealed Article 370 of its constitution – stripping occupied Kashmir of its special status – a strict lockdown and communications blackout has suffocated the region into silence. It has now been in place for 73 days. On Saturday, government spokesman Rohit Kansal told a press conference that all phones linked to a monthly subscription ‘will stand restored and be functional from noon on Monday’, adding that the measure would apply to all districts of occupied valley. He said the decision was taken after a security review in the disputed region. At the time, Kansal had not given any indication on whether internet services would also be restored. Residents appeared relieved on Monday after facing difficulties during the long communications embargo. But the disputed region continues to simmer with anger. “It is a relief,” said Mohammad Akram, a trader. He was, however, quick to add how Kashmiris are expected ‘to thank the government for giving them basic amenities’. Many also expressed their angst at the situation, with some saying that the past two months were akin to living in the Stone Age without lines of communication. “Thank you, India. You have finally decided to partially restore our digital rights,” said Sameer Ahmad, a college student. “When will you restore our political rights?” Mohammad Akbar, a businessman, in the main city Srinagar that he was pleased that mobile phones were working again, but had harsh words for the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. “Mobile phones are a commercial service that we pay for, not a favour,” he said. “They slash our basic rights and then ease things as favours and call it normalcy.” Having mobile phones “is something completely normal in most countries. But here in Kashmir it is a big deal”, said law student Mashouq. “And it can be taken away at any time.” Facing international pressure to ease people’s suffering and restore normal life, Indian authorities announced last week that they would allow tourists back into the region after ordering them to leave in August because of security concerns. The government has said that internet facilities are being opened at tourist spots in the region. “Whatever India does in Kashmir, it is driven to consolidate its position,” said Ali Mohammad, a schoolteacher. “They stopped phones and internet services to stop us from registering protests. Now they are restoring these services to cater to tourists and declare normalcy in Kashmir.” Authorities also released three low-ranking politicians in occupied Kashmir last week. However, prominent Kashmiri politicians remain detained in their homes or in jails. Several hundred Kashmiri politicians, activists, lawyers and others remain in custody, mostly without charge. Several thousand ordinary Kashmiris were also detained, including children as young as nine, with protesters and security forces clashing at regular rallies.