Kashmir has been turned into the largest jail in the world in the last 33 days. India is following its friend-in-crime, Israel’s plans in Gaza and West Bank: occupy, divide, depopulate and rule. India has planned to turn the demographies of Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu will be separated from Kashmir and Ladakh, which already has low Muslim population will be turned into a Hindu state. Jammu and Kashmir will be injected with new Hindu settlements. Muslims population will be decreased, by all means, either genocide or migration to Pakistan. In a matter of time, Jammu and Kashmir will be ruled by Hindu chief ministers. The sun of Hindu rulers will rise once again in the Kashmir. At least, that is their plan. This is not the first time Kashmir is under attack by Hindutva forces. It already happened previously in 1947. Massacre of Kashmir in 1947 is always hidden and forcefully forgotten by the Indian government. Even in Pakistan, not many people, know about it. It’s not even taught in schools, which is a disgrace to our education system. Almost 200,000 Kashmiri Muslims lost their lives when Maharaja Hari Singh ordered his Dogra Army to kill and force Muslims to leave the valley. It was the first and largest execution of Hindutva ideology and its plans to eliminate Muslims from the face of Kashmir Valley to make it a purely Hindu state. The RSS was invited to quench their thirst with Muslim blood. Even army regiments were brought into the valley from Punjab. For two months, the game of Holi was played with the blood of Muslims, which turned the green valley red. Many were successful to reach the western part of Kashmir, which is now Azad Kashmir and Sialkot. The army was supposed to fill up the trucks with Kashmiris to bring them to Sialkot but instead, they used to take them to the jungles of Rajouri district of Jammu, where they were slaughtered. As a response, Pashtun tribesmen of Pakistan started moving to Kashmir to save Muslim brothers and sisters from savage forces. Dogra Army retreated and some parts of Kashmir were freed, forming Azad Jammu and Kashmir with Pakistan. In 1991, the Indian army started genocide of innocent Kashmiris once again, for their greedy plan to make Kashmir part of India, once and for all. Kashmiris resisted, but Indian oppression in the valley grew stronger with fresh army deployment and military arms. Kashmiris could not resist and have lost over 100,000 lives until today. The RSS claims to provide six million members of its poisonous organisation to fight with Muslims and Pakistan within three days. They already have a well-trained terrorist militia, both men and women, writhing with rage in thousands of RSS burrows across India. Thousands of protesting Kashmiris have been injured due to the curfew and clashes with Indian Occupational forces in the last 25 days. Bullets, pellet guns and tear gas have become part of their daily life. It is a “Do or Die” situation for Kashmiris as there is a deliberate attempt to destroy local businesses and basic human right are being crushed under brutal army boots. The serious concern for the parents is the abduction of hundreds of teenage boys from the houses. There is an extreme shortage of food, medicines and other necessities in the valley. There is a deliberate attempt to destroy local businesses as basic human rights are being crushed under brutal army boots in Kashmir Over 20,000 Kashmiris, including hundreds of political leaders and workers, are under strict house arrest, while thousands are in jail and many are missing. According to sources, death certificates of those losing their lives in clashes and raids under the cover of nights are not being issued. Doctors are instructed to do so by Indian troops to keep the record clear. Large-scale protests are being held across Kashmir every day, despite the enforced curfew. According to the reports, Indian troops enter into an area at a time and damage the properties in the surroundings. They trash vehicles and break windows of the houses with stones. They shoot tear gas canisters into the homes, forcing the residents to come out to protest. When people rush out of the fuming houses, occupational forces rain the bullets, pellets and even more tear gas upon them. As a result, many lose their lives because of breathing tear gas while many lose their eyes and limbs. Doctors either refuse to treat any patient injured during the protests or discharge them instantly to keep the statistics low. The Indian army is writing a new history of cruelty and brutality by their provocative tactics. Indian oppression is at its highest at the moment. People are facing malnutrition, which is leading to hunger and eventually famine. They are bound to come out and become prey to the giant ferocious anaconda, waiting with anticipation to feast on innocent Kashmiri lives. All this is happening, while we are breathing in the 21st Century. We know all that is occurring on the other side of the world, for instance, forest fires in Amazon, yet many do not seem to know that the whole state of Jammu and Kashmir is under dark evil oppression since August 4. Many days have passed and many will pass. Time never stops. But history only remembers those who speak out and take actions, in their capacities, to save the weak from the jaws of the brute. Those who support and stand with the truth in the time of polarisation and selfishness all around. Not just the governments and leaders of the world but every individual, living and walking on the surface of the earth, need to speak out loud so that the barbarous forces can know that Kashmir is not left alone and that the humanity is still alive. Are you the one? The writer is an educationist with interest in English and Politics