The sequel to Bollywood action film Rowdy Rathore is reportedly in the works. According to Deccan Chronicle, Akshay Kumar, who played a double role in the movie, and Sanjay Leela Bhansali, who bankrolled the film through his production company SLB Films, will join forces once again for the second part. The film also had Sonakshi Sinha and Paresh Ganatra, Yashpal Sharma, Gurdeep Kohli and Nassar in the cast The film also had Sonakshi Sinha and Paresh Ganatra, Yashpal Sharma, Gurdeep Kohli and Nassar in the cast. Tamil superstar Vijay made a special appearance in the film. Despite mixed critical reception, it went on to become a huge commercial success. It ended its domestic theatrical run at Rs 133.25 crore. It was also noted for its soundtrack that was composed by Sajid-Wajid. The film was an official remake of 2006 Telugu film Vikramarkudu, which was directed by SS Rajmouli and starred Ravi Teja and Anushka Shetty.