Actor Danish Taimoor revealed that he was offered a lead role opposite Kareena Kapoor-Khan. Danish Taimoor who recently ventured into hosting is known for his looks and acting skills. He was also going to break into Bollywood but due to his misfortune, it did not happen. The ‘Jalaibee’ actor disclosed the details on a chat show where he appeared with his wife, Ayeza Khan. He shared that he was approached for a role alongside starlet Kareena Kapoor-Khan for the film ‘Veere Di Wedding’ which was released in 2018. He, however couldn’t do it although the dates were finalised as tensions between the two countries escalated in 2016. “We were all ready to go for the shoot but then we got to know that Kareena Kapoor was pregnant,” Taimoor said. “After Kareena delivered her baby in 2016, the situation between India and Pakistan got worse.” Taimoor won the ARY Film Award for Best Star Debut Male for ‘Jalaibee’ in 2015.