Life throws flowers and stones at you from various directions. It totally depends upon you what you catch and what you deflect!!! While taking care of so many things at the same time one tends to forget about oneself. Physically, psychologically or emotionally. The image took me into another world of emotions which I wanted to share with many out there who have not yet realised their own presence and purpose in life. Seldom we find people who have achieved the right amount of love, peace and overall contentment in life. Putting on layers of this flubber hiding away from these adversities of life thinking one will be safe and secure under these. The world defines you by your physical looks that how strong or weak you are heedless of the fact that everyone is a sensitive being. People of any sort find it a real task to enjoy equality and fairness in this world. Bow down and surrender to your creator as this world does not afford to payback to your grace. Humility from the core will. Ironically speaking the tender piece of flesh – your ♥️ is all that needs your care and affection. Remember to love yourself and seek guidance from Allah is the path to yourself. Because you have a presence too!!!