LAHORE: Justice Syed Mazahar Akbar Naqvi of the Lahore High Court (LHC) on Thursday summoned the Rahim Yar Khan district police officer (DPO) and a police officer from Rajanpur, who conducted “illegal” raid at the residence of Civil Judge Zulfiqar Ali Mazari. The court ordered the DPO, Rajanpur Police Station SHO and Sub-inspector Iffat to appear on January 2, 2017. Civil Judge Mazari had filed a complaint sent through Rahim Yar Khan district and sessions judge. The complainant said that the SHO and the sub-inspector had conducted a raid at his residence without warrants. He said that when he asked about any judicial order, the police party claimed that they did not need any order for this raid. He said that police misbehaved with his family members. He also accused police of ransacking his house. He said that there was no legal justification for police action, as none of his family member was wanted in any case. He said that the police raid at his house without warrants was contempt of court.