Actor Varun Dhawan is quite warm with all his fans and often indulges in friendly banter with them. But recently, Varun Dhawan reportedly experienced his worst nightmare when a crazy stalker reached his residence and threatened to kill his girlfriend Natasha Dalal. Midday reported that when the actor was busy with the promotions of ‘Kalank’, a stalker was waiting for hours to meet Dhawan. However, when Dhawan’s security informed the fan that he will not be able to meet her today, she lost her calm and created a shocking scene outside the residence. The fan got aggressive kept saying only one thing, “I will kill Natasha Dalal.” As per interaction with Mid Day, the security team informed them that there was a female fan, who was doing the rounds of his house for a long time. They’re used to such things and on most occasions, the fans are sweet and never cross their limits. The female fan was waiting for a couple of hours. Initially, she said she will hurt herself and kept mumbling how she will harm Dalal. The security team decided to call the cops and lodged a complaint at Santa Cruz Police Station last night, as per reports. But a First Information Report will be lodged only after Dhawan records his statement.