Often it happens that we find ourselves lost, perhaps in our pursuit of happiness, future planning, money and other such things. We forget our own worth owing to accumulating worldly possessions. Life is not meant to be lived depending on others; rather it’s meant to be lived on your own terms. People are happy when they’re dwelling in their comfort zone but what they don’t realise is that they’ll only grow when they’re uncomfortable. There are a lot of reasons owing to which we lose ourselves. I’ve often seen people ruining their lives owing to something that happened to them in the past. There are so many people who once got something painful hard just leave living in present. The past became the life for them and such people do not leave living for themselves. They become totally selfish they don’t keep ideas upon other feelings, others worth, beloved got left, those people who need are not present because they get another life to live. If hardships come in lives then they are for goodness, they are the lessons to be learnt and these teach us to face the challenges. And from them we can get a message to become strong, once we broken and that is deepened upon us how we shape ourselves. If weak then we will lose the capability to stand back in front of new hardship. While these hardships become the past then we must keep them in the mind to learn something, rather than name the present deserve ourselves, so we must get lost in the present. Relationships are all about building strong bonds, be it in the form of our parents, siblings, friends, co-workers or batch mates. People build strong relations even in the form of their children or their acquaintances. But, the main question is do people part ways amicably when it really comes down to it? Actually, while we begin a relation, we mostly go so deep in it. Without thinking that many hurt us mean while people will leave us then we mostly keep friends believe them with compete heart when they just see their comforts with someone else will surely walk to another place then what about the feelings of first person, friendships and other relations must get respect, but we must go so deep in relations though to fail to find ourselves. Money is earned to have a comfortable life but people keep greedy in heart and greed is something as much dangerous that will lead you toward badness. If once people get addicted to money it becomes tougher work to control yourselves. In relation, if mixture of greedy to get include then that fail to stay longer. And the major cause is comforts in life when we get all comforts we become glad to have them and when we get lack of comforts then we start thinking how to live the life from where I should bring comforts? And many other dreams and thoughts enter in mind which will obligate us toward doing bad activities just to earn money. It will snatch the remaining happiness, so we should remove the thoughts of earning money and we must live a life with simplicity. It may bring more happiness. Relationships are all about building strong bonds, be it in the form of our parents, siblings, friends or co-workers. People build strong relations even in the form of their children or their acquaintances. But the main question is: do people part ways amicably when it really comes down to it? Judgement is something very bad because with having small glance on others and we cannot decide their personality and with judging others we cannot be our real selves. We waste the time on negative thinking, today a time has reached which is taught to discuss others rather everyone must take care of their own selves. Now it is not the world judgement of others before doing other judgments we must think that ideas we keep in mind about others that same opinion someone else may keep for us. These opinions disturb just our lives, nothing goes to others because they don’t keep ideas of us but we always judge others and bring new opinions. Life is given to live for our own selves not to waste it with such useless things. Depending is something just animals tolerate it. Mostly, we try hard to be independent The four titles which I described before are kinds of being depended. When our complete organs we must not be depended on pity things while we don’t get our desires we become depended on relations, money, strangers and so many other things from which keep expectations and mostly expectations make us depended and also it breaks us terribly. If we know desires will lead us to the bad ways so we must not keep expectations to not be depended. Taking cue from the aforementioned guidelines will do you wonders. Life is not meant to be lived making others happy. You own happiness counts the most. The writer is a student