Today everyone in the world has seen live telecast of a very sick man’s action. He created a video of himself not only shooting innocent people in two mosques of New Zealandbut also making sure that no one escapes alive. Time and again, he fired even when people were long dead. What is morest horrifying is the ease of heart rather happiness with which he is doing this cruelty.He is around 20 years old. How in the world did he develop such hatred that he could justify such a heinous crime in his heart? Terrorism is born out of hatred that we passively instillinstil in our people but results in such active reactions which are now becoming a norm in western societies. It is a high time for these countries putting themselves at high pedestal and demanding others of doing more, to look into their own intensions and policies. All of us, who are trying to label him as white terrorist, should remember that terrorism belongs to no religion, cast or creed. Those who are trying to make a point that Muslims are victims of terror and not terrorists; should know that Muslims were never terrorists, they are not terrorists and they can never be terrorists. Those who create terror belong to no religion, especially Islam. Instead of being apologetic, we need to ask questions. Acts of terror like this are to be questioned even if the ones dying are not Muslims or our country mates. Terrorism is concondemneddoned by Muslims all over the world. Yet, today we live in ana Muslim Islamophobia world. In these shootings or those that ooktake place inat US-based schools, there wereis no Muslims involved. Different agencies and Gglobal forces at war with each other are sowing the seeds of hatred among youth. Today Muslims at New Zealand were the targets; tomorrow some other derailed person can do it to the innocent children of New Zealandin some otheror some other country. Desensitiszation of whole generations through media and political agendas which these crooked leaders like Modi or Trump follow, in order to gain power and votes are the major reasons for world-wide terrorism. Global forces at war with each other are sowing the seeds of hatred among youth Today Trump has the cheek to send condolences to New Zealand but hasn’tfor such crime not even mentioneding once that Muslims have been targeted.,Tthose very peopleMuslims he keeps talking against openly spews hatred against in his campaigns. He further has the guts to give New Zealand offer of help. Mr. Trump thank you very much. I think you have done enough help already. Before labelinglabelling one community or another for a crime which only belongs to animals at heart and not humans, we should think about the repercussions of our words, especially when we are at a pedestal where our words echo around the globe. About theis current incident, there are few questions that need to be answered. The two mMosques where these cold bloodedcold-blooded killings took place are at least 10 minutes’ driveminutes’ drive from each other. When the terrorist opened fire in the first mosque and then with leisure he kept on doing it for next five to seven minutes, how come security services were not informed? When he left the first mosque, he drove directly to second mosque where again he got off his vehicle and started shooting for next five to seven minutes. In the heart of New Zealand’s third largest city, an act of terror happens for more than 25 minutes and police responseresponse of armed offender took more than 15 minutes to reach the first spot. Ambulances were not allowed to reach the area initially even after another few minutes. Many critically injured died waiting for help. Civilians were there to help but too slow too few. This is a pure actan ACT of OFterrorTERROR against Muslims and world need to acknowledge that. Instead of sending condolences to New Zealand, it should be sent to Muslim Ummah as we are one beyond boundaries. This incidentce reminds Pakistan of the gruesome massacre of APS Peshawar, where we lost our innocent children to IIndianntTerrorism. The iInternational community should take action against hate speech sinceas political agendas. such These hate spreading speeches should be seen as a source of such terrorist acts and, therefore, should be banned. The writer is a PhD in Economics from NCBAE, Lahore and Assistant Professor of Economics at GSCWU, Bahawalpur Published in Daily Times, March 17th 2019.