The most popular medication being sold by pharmacies of Pakistan are high blood pressure pills and tranquillizers. This stressful life is being faced due to targeted killings, street crimes, and the barbaric act of kidnapping, rape and murder of children that gives rise to number of suicides. Mental crises are increasing day by day in Pakistan where psychiatric services and recourses are so limited. We are in extreme psychological distress due to terrorism , corruption ,unemployment , breaking down of law and orders , political uncertainty , erratic gas , electricity and water supplies ,rising inflation and disturbance of social fabric. According to WHO report,” depression would be the prevalent disease in the world by 2030, outranking blood pressure, cardiac disease and cancer. Most alarmingly Pakistan’s rate of depression is four times higher than rates of the rest of world.” This mental illness is a time bomb that will take many innocent victims with it when it explodes. It would be very beneficial for Pakistan to appoint psychologists and psychiatrists for counseling and improve psychiatric services for Pakistanis to get rid of depression crises. According to WHO report,” depression would be the prevalent disease in the world by 2030, outranking blood pressure, cardiac disease and cancer. Most alarmingly Pakistan’s rate of depression is four times higher than rates of the rest of world.” There are many other avoidable stresses for which PAMH (PAKISTAN ASSOCIATION FOR MENTAL HEALTH) should take responsibility by providing basic facilities like curbing crimes, providing hygienic environment, unadulterated food, clean water and ensuring that security lifts huge burdens off the shoulders of citizens. This would result in a mentally healthier Pakistan. Published in Daily Times, February 11th 2019.