Do you remember I called thou my smile? The reason of my happiness, The cure of my heartache, The bright light of my dark day, The food for a draught-hit world, The sigh of my breathing problem, The water of my soil, And the hopeful candle of my dead belief. Do you still think of me? Like thou did before, Do your tears yet fall down of our separation? Do you, till day, vociferate my name? Do you remember that graveyard I called thou? Those graves I promised to make you meet with, Do you remember my smile? When thou smiled, Coloured my world like never. But, The graves are dead in my graveyard, In thy wait, Thy lala cries, Graveyard cries too, The graves are in graveness, Not for they are dead, But watching out me alive soulless, I am alive, Waiting for thou to be back, For, I love you more than thee, I illustrated to you, Do you remember? Published in Daily Times, January 23rd 2019.