ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) on Tuesday admitted to recruit three employees against higher posts without announcing jobs through the print media and adopting other formalities. Talking to this scribe, a spokesperson of PMDC said that though this was correct that the three officers including Dr. Maria (BPS-17), Ms Benish (BPS-17) and Muhammad Hassan (BPS-16) had been recruited on ad hoc basis but these recruitments come under the discretionary powers of the President PMDC. The spokesperson said that the President PMDC was legally authorised to recruit employees on daily wages on requirement basis. He, however, said that these employees couldn’t be regularised or converted into contract basis recruitment without fulfilling the legal criteria. These employees could apply for jobs in recent announced vacancies in PMDC as they had valid experience. The spokesperson, however, expressed anonymity over political nepotism or influence for recruitment of the above staff. It may be mentioned here that Daily Times had highlighted the irregularities in PMDC and recruitment of blue eyed persons in departments. The recruitments were not announced in the print media and no other legal procedure was followed by the administration while the blue-eyed people availed jobs overnight, an official of the NHSRC earlier said on condition of anonymity.