Prime Minister Imran Khan and Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Friday agreed to form a small provincial cabinet. The names of all Punjab cabinet members will be finalised within two days, sources added. “During the meeting, it was decided that in the first phase, 15 members will be assigned portfolios,” sources further said and added that senior members of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf will be appointed to key ministries. Sources said that among the names under consideration for key ministries, Mahmoodur Rasheed is being considered for Ministry of Housing, Communication & Works Department. Aleem Khan is being considered for minister of Local Government, Yasmin Rashid for health minister, Sibtain Khan for agriculture minister and Samiullah Khan as chief whip, sources continued. Further, they said that Hashim Khan is being considered for the post of education minister, Hasnain Dreshak for provincial finance minister, Aslam Iqbal as provincial information minister, Raja Basharat as provincial minister for parliamentary affairs and Jahanzeb Kacchi for Punjab Minister of Livestock. Raja Yasir is being considered for the post of Punjab Minister of Higher Education, sources added. Other names that are being considered include Fayyazul Hassan, Rashid Hafeez, Saeeda Sohail, Murad Raas, Ajmal Cheema, Mohsin Leghari and Malik Akhtar. Punjab CM Sardar Usman Buzdar vowed a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and said his government will neither indulge in corrupt practices nor allow anyone to do so. Sardar Usman Buzdar spent his morning celebrating Eidul Azha at Darul Shafqat, where he distributed presents among orphans. Speaking to reporters on the occasion, he said corruption will not be tolerated under any circumstances in Punjab. “Our motto is to work, work and work. We have to bring change. It’s not easy,” he said. The chief minister promised that police reforms, modelled along the lines of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, will be introduced in the province soon. Published in Daily Times, August 25th 2018.