To run, leap and spring about in the fields of reminiscences To break away from present sorrows To feel the feelings a bit too much To touch a dazzling hibiscus and cringe with epiphany To rise, twirl and flutter high To balance within rivers of blessed dark but glow in the moment’s spark To sit still while thoughts wander into the valley of unthinkable tangle To celebrate mourning amid azure heavens To live and to die and to die and live, Altogether To stumble upon a newfound path beckoning to your soul’s heart To forget frugal fears To weep a million pasts and plunge into sacred memoirs of times to come To burn, to ache, to drown In the oceans of brutal holocaust To give up, give in all lamentations Reasons, seasons, treason are all timely lesions To cry the last cry To live the last death To be torn asunder; fury and regret No more let past define you No more let pain devour you To aim for the dawning horizon Embracing your thoughts, wizened Gradually, hopefully To enter the lane of recovery Heavens, bless the recovery! Published in Daily Times, July 4th 2018.