Versatile singer and actor Meesha Shafi has once again spoken about the sexual harassment issue, and this time she is calling out all the designers of the Fashion Industry who have remained silent since her allegations against Ali Zafar. She responded to a male model Mujahid Rasool’s post – who criticized the culture of harassment in the fashion industry and the exploitation of male talent by male gatekeepers – and said that “Friends who have used me to make their hideous clothes look good for over a decade, is this why you’re quiet?” Friends who have used me to make their hideous clothes look good for over a decade, is this why you’re quiet? — MEESHA SHAFI (@itsmeeshashafi) May 18, 2018 She then in another tweet, paid gratitude to those who supported her. She stated, “The support I’m getting from strangers is life changing and overwhelming. At a time when those I have considered friends, worked with, helped, supported and lent a shoulder to cry on in trying times, have vanished, I thank you all for being my strength. Ever grateful,” Rasool took the matter to Instagram using hashtag #metoo and #wetoo, the model in a series of posts said, “I have been struggling in this field for 7-8 years which has been an experience full of harassment.” Meesha had also tweeted in support of Rasool on Thursday. “Proud of him for speaking up! Silence does not lead to change,” she had said. In the series of tweets, Shafi slammed a Twitter user who said that Meesha was not an ordinary woman, she could have spoken the first time Ali harassed her but she stayed silent. In response to this Meesha said, “I am no ordinary woman, so I can’t be harassed? Please go over the list of Hollywood names that spoke up. And when the ordinary women spoke up, response was/is, ‘oh whatever, no other woman of note has come forward’. You just want to go back to the status quo. Not happening!” I am no ordinary woman, so I can’t be harassed? Please go over the list of Hollywood names that spoke up. And when the ordinary women spoke up, response was/is, “oh whatever, no other woman of note has come forward.” You just want to go back to the status quo. Not happening! — MEESHA SHAFI (@itsmeeshashafi) May 18, 2018 Last month, Meesha Shafi accused Ali Zafar of sexual harassment.