Every individual living life in the world has some wishes. Some wish to get wealth, while others wish to make people happy. Some simple wishes make us forget the people who are with us in a long journey of life. Wishes even occasionally compel people to hurt their beloved parents. They consider money everything to them, even superior than their families. But at the end, it is again relations which defeat the money and bring happiness to one’s life. If we see the doctors, they often quote their fees first and then the treatment. If you have money, you’re welcome, otherwise let the other patients come. They don’t even care about the background of the patient and ask for such big amounts that people give up on the treatment the moment they hear the cost. Why do people forget that while money is important in life, it isn’t more important than the life itself? It kills one’s hopes even to think of quitting education and start working at some workshop. Everyone is running behind his/her dreams but what dream itself is? No one seems to care. According to Dr. Abdul Kalam, “Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.” People say it is their dream to become pilot or engineer or doctor or politician etc and start working on it. They often fail in following such dreams and after they fail, they get disappointed. Some have the power to control themselves but many of them get fed up with their lives and some even go as far as committing suicide. Thus, again, life is a platform where everyone has to play their role. Now it depends on their thoughts and commitment how they see their lives. It is surely a dream which can’t be fulfilled. One can achieve anything in life but only if they are truly willing to give up everything that could prove an obstacle in the pursuit of their dream.