Bollywood and television actor Shammi has passed away at the age of 89. The Indian film industry expressed condolences at the loss. Born as Nargis Rabadi, she featured in over 200 films. Shammi was famous for her comic roles and starred in over 200 films, including Hum Saath Saath Hain, Coolie No. 1, Hum and Gopi Kishan. On TV, she made her name in a number of drama serials on Doordarshan. Actor Amitabh Bachchan tweeted, “Shammi Aunty .. prolific actress, years of contribution to the Industry, dear family friend .. passes away ..!! A long suffered illness, age .. Sad .. slowly slowly they all go away ..” Indian minister Smriti Irani tweeted, “Bringing a smile to our faces, for years brightening up the screen Shammi ji left us with innumerable memories. My condolences to her loved ones. Om Shanti” Actor Abhishek Bachchan tweeted, “I will really miss you Shammi aunty… You always gave the warmest hugs and never failed to make everyone smile. So many memories, so much happiness, gone but not forgotten. Rest in peace.” Published in Daily Times, March 7th 2018.