Long dubbed the “Queen of Europe”, Germany’s veteran Chancellor Angela Merkel emerges as the bruised survivor of her deepest crisis to govern for what many expect will be her final term. After 12 years at the helm of Europe’s top economy, the pastor’s daughter often called the world’s most powerful woman goes on to live another day after post-war Germany’s longest stretch of coalition haggling. If she indeed serves out her fourth four-year term, the 63-year-old could match or surpass the marathon tenure of her late mentor, Germany’s “reunification chancellor” Helmut Kohl. But a growing band of observers doubt she will stay in power that long as many voters have grown wary of “Mutti” (mummy) and talk is rife of the “twilight” of her reign. Merkel’s deep woes are the price she paid for an uncharacteristically bold move — opening Germany’s borders to a mass influx of refugees that has brought more than one million asylum seekers to Germany since 2015. The humanitarian act made her a liberal hero to many, but also sparked a xenophobic backlash that propelled the rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, whose battle cry is “Merkel must go”. When the AfD entered Germany’s parliament last September, it shattered a taboo against extremists sitting in the Bundestag, while the serial election winner Merkel slunk away with her party’s worst result since 1949. Although no-one within her Christian Democrats has dared openly to challenge the still popular leader for the top job, political analyst Oskar Niedermayer said, it is clear that “Angela Merkel is past her zenith”. ‘Leader of free world’: During her long rule, the leader raised behind the Iron Curtain has weathered multiple crises. She was long dubbed Europe’s “austerity queen” for her tough stance on debt-hit eurozone economies, where demonstrators derided her as a Nazi. In the turbulent times of US President Donald Trump, Brexit and multiple global crises, she came to be hailed abroad as a defender of liberal democracy. Germans have long seen her as the bedrock of stability and enviable growth and jobs rates. They have thanked her by keeping her in government ever since she became their youngest and first female chancellor in 2005, a contemporary of Tony Blair and George W. Bush. Merkel, with her pragmatic, modest and reassuringly bland style, seemed to have perfected the art of staying in power in a wealthy, ageing nation that tends to favour continuity over change. Seemingly devoid of vanity and indifferent to the trappings of power, she lives in a Berlin flat with her media-shy scientist husband Joachim Sauer, shops in a local supermarket and spends holidays hiking in the Alps. Though frequently criticised for sitting out tough challenges, Merkel has punctuated her reign with some bold decisions, including scrapping nuclear power after Japan’s 2011 Fukushima disaster. ‘Merkelvellian’: Merkel was born Angela Dorothea Kasner on July 17, 1954 in the port city of Hamburg. Soon after, her father, a Lutheran clergyman, moved the family to a small-town parish in the communist East at a time when most people were headed the other way. Biographers say life in a police state taught Merkel to hide her true thoughts behind a poker face. A top student, she excelled in Russian, which would later help her keep up the often tough dialogue with President Vladimir Putin, who was a KGB officer in Dresden when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. During that momentous upheaval, Merkel joined a group that soon merged with the Christian Democrats of Kohl, who fondly if patronisingly dubbed Merkel his “girl”. Published in Daily Times, March 5th 2018.