Franz Kafka’s novella, The Metamorphosis, is one of the best literary works in world literature. It is a very heart touching book. The main character of the book is Gregor Samsa. The story is mainly told through his perspective. There occurs a big change which disturbs the peaceful life of this family. After he turns into an insect, his family’s attitude towards him changes. Kafka wrote this story in 1912.This period of time Kafka was also facing a number of troubles. He was receiving negative comments by his family which disturbed him mentally. He wrote this story while going through the same circumstances. Change is the theme that is first to occur in ‘The Metamorphosis’. As Gregor Samsa wakes up from unsettling dreams one morning, he found himself transformed in his bed into a monstrous vermin. He himself gets shocked by seeing that change. He thought how his family would react to the change. But the family reaction is not shocking to him. The office manager and Mr Samsa are probably the only ones who express fear and maybe some shock, but his mother simply faints, which by no means suggests that she was shocked, because there is no hint of shock in her behavior when she wakes up. Moreover, hope is another important theme of the book. Hope simply means a specific instance of feeling hopeful. But more than that, it is something that compels a hopeless individual to continue living – even when all doors close. But the one and only hope is there to help you reach your destination. Similarly, in ‘The Metamorphosis’ when Gregor turns into an insect, he sees no way out. But he had hope that he would again become a human and be able to go back to work and help his parents pay off their debts. Unfortunately at last he loses hope and falls into deep depression. There remains a subsequent reaction of his family as well which is in common life not that frequent. People usually say that family is the one that understands you better than anyone else. But after reading the book one can understand that at times even the family refuses to stand with you. When you are in trouble they may aid you, but they will be fed up of you very soon. When Gregor turns into an insect, he sees no way out. But he had hope that he would again become a human and be able to go back to work and help his parents pay off their debts. Unfortunately, at last he loses hope and falls into deep depression His mother used to love her son, but she can’t handle the sight of Gregor after he changes and faints or screams when she sees him. Mr Samsa never liked the fact that his son provided fiscal care for his family. When Gregor transforms, he doesn’t care and tries to kill him with apples. Grete, his sister, loves Gregor and takes care of him for the first few weeks of his bug life. But soon she also gets annoyed and tells her father than she can’t bear with him anymore. The transformation of Gregor is a change for his family and it affects their behaviour as well. When Gregor dies, the family rejoices. Earlier when Gregor was earning money for the family, he was loved by all. The Metamorphosis teaches us that we should not be dependent on others because even closest relatives cannot be counted on in times of trouble and this is the simplest meaning interpreted from the story. But some critics have also argued that Kakfa was feeling a sense of alienation when he wrote the novella and that the story does not have any substantive message. Nevertheless, it makes you think about loneliness of the world and that how helpless a man can be at times. The reviewer studies at I-WELL Academy Turbat, Kech Published in Daily Times, February 19th 2018.