ISLAMABAD: The Lok Virsa on Wednesday formally opened a new museum office block at Shakarparian. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was performed by Senate Functional Committee on Problems of Less Developed Areas Chairman Senator Usman Khan Kakar along with Dr Fouzia Saeed, executive director at Lok Virsa. In his remarks, Senator Usman Kakar appreciated the work of Lok Virsa in promoting and projecting the indigenous folk culture of Pakistan, especially of the less-developed areas. “Lok Virsa deserves commendation for doing an excellent job in collecting and preserving the things that we inherited from our forefathers. Each province and region has its own cultural identity, which has been beautifully presented by the Lok Virsa at Heritage Museum. “He assured full cooperation to Lok Virsa and its management on behalf of his committee. Senator Kakar visited Museum Conservation Laboratory and Museum Stores and saw artefacts collected by Lok Virsa over the years. He also met senior museum officials and creative staff and encouraged them for their performance. Talking to the media, Dr Fouzia Saeed said, “This place was non-functional for the last many years. The museum team worked day and night and made it functional. Now the museum section of Lok Virsa has its own office block, which has been beautifully decorated by them with various traditional motifs and patterns.” Published in Daily Times, January 11th 2018.