Sir: I would like to draw the attention of the Prime Minister’s office towards the profile of incumbent Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on the official PM office website. The website states that Mr. Abbasi held the federal cabinet portfolio of Ministry of Defense Production during the short lived ministry of Yousaf Raza Gillani in 2008.
This is incorrect information which was mentioned on the Wikipedia biography of PM Abbasi prior to his election as PM. Unfortunately, it was picked up by journalists and was reported widely by national news sites such as The News, Business Recorder, APP, Radio Pakistan, GEO and ARY among others.
As per official data on the cabinet division website and as per the Ministry of Defense Production, it was Rana Tanveer Hussain who held this cabinet position in 2008 and Abbasi was the Minister for Commerce then. Therefore I urge the concerned department to make amendments to the official website at the earliest possible time.
Via E-Mail
Published in Daily Times, January 6th 2018.