Karachi: Oxford University Press (OUP) organized a discussion on the book Untouched Octaves: Reflections on Life, Love and Society by Amin Hashwani on the 15th of December. The poems and the photos featured in the book touch upon the eternal questions of life, love, and society which mankind has sought to understand since time immemorial. They offer an eloquent commentary on Pakistan and the world. Through his poetry, Amin shares with us thought-provoking perspectives on historical and contemporary persons, events and experiences. His work is infused with hope for people despite the despair and chaos of the present times. The beautiful photographs that accompany the poems are the work of Bobby Sager, the American philanthropist-photographer. Amin Hashwani is a businessman and a social activist. He has founded and continues to support various social initiatives in the field of education, health, youth development, culture and peace. Internationally, he has led business delegations, organized cultural and media events, collaborated in peace-building between nations and societies, spoken at conferences, universities, think tanks and the United Nations. The event held at the Oxford bookshop in Dolmen Mall Clifton featured a discussion between Amin Hashwani and the prominent public figure, intellectual and author, Javed Jabbar. The conversation highlighted how the book is an attempt to help people see the world differently and to challenge their biases and assumptions so that they become co-creators of a just and peaceful world. Earlier in her welcome address, Ameena Saiyid, Managing Director, OUP Pakistan, introduced the author, the moderator, and spoke about OUP’s Platinum Series of books published to celebrate 70 years of Pakistan. “The power of poetry is immense. Poetry has inspired people, even driven revolutions,” she said. – Published in Daily Times, December 17th 2017.