2nd Asian Middle East, African Academic & Research Integrated conference (ACARI 2025) was held at University of Lahore Auditorium, Punjab Higher Education Commission, Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad , University of Lahore were the co -sponsor of this programme, whilest Turinitin AI Engineering Team, as a the prime technology partner, they have shared global trends and important insights on nurturing a culture of academic excellence, whilest navigating challenges in this age of AI. In this integrated international conference Kenya Minister of Vocational Education Mbwarabi Kame was the Chief Guest in this while chairman Higher Education commission Pakistan Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed and Equater Unity of science and Tecnolog Ugenda Muhammad Mepeza participated as Guest of Honor in this international conference Deputy Chairman University of Lahore Uzair Rauf Dean of students affairs Ammara Awais, Vice chancellor UET Dr. Shahid Munir Director General Pakistan Institute of Education, Dr. Shahid and other eminent scholars of national and international fame participated In this conference and spoke on this occasion , The Theme discussed in the conference , took integrates the AI writing report the existing workflow providing educators with an overall percentage of the documents, writing tolls chatGPT may have granted, in the end of the conference Dean of student affairs Aumara Awais distributed sheld among the speakers and participants of the conference .