The heinous crime rate in the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) has decreased by 31 per cent, as the capital police registered over 5,000 cases in the last three months, compared to more than 7,000 cases in preceding period, Daily Times has reliably learnt. As per available documents, heinous crime index in recent three months was lower than crime status of last year in this span of time. “During this period, a total of 5,428 cases of heinous crimes have been reported as compare to report of 7,907 cases last year,” reads the document. Overall, the documents disclosed, as many as 24,387 suspects, involved in different crimes, were arrested by the capital police during past one year. The operations division arrested 24,387 suspects and recovered cash and valuables worth more than Rs 2.38 billion. Additionally, 4,038 suspects involved in property crimes were arrested and stolen valuables worth Rs 1.75 billion were recovered. The police arrested 1,531 suspects allegedly part of 657 criminal gangs, involved in snatching, car and bike lifting activities and recovered 429 vehicles and 763 motorcycles. Furthermore, 1,455 suspects involved in incidents of robbery and dacoity were arrested and stolen valuables worth over Rs 248.4 million, including 31 cars and 118 motorcycles, were recovered from their possession. However, the pace to tackle cybercrime cases remained dawdling as the conviction in such cases could not exceed more than 5 per cent in last half decade. Ministry of Interior submitted a document to National Assembly (NA), available with this scribe, states that since the year 2020, 7, the 7,020 accused have been arrested on cybercrime charges with only 222 being convicted that shows conviction rate of only 3.16 percent. Authorities acknowledged that even though cybercrime complaints have increased each year since 2020, their reporting was still far below the actual number of offences. Officials cite legal changes, capacity issues for fewer complaints, punishments The data reads that since 2020, 639,564 complaints have been filed with FIA’s cybercrime cell, which verified 414,260 of them. These resulted in 73,825 inquiries and 5,713 cases filed in courts. A breakdown of the data showed that of the 625 people arrested in 2020, 20 were convicted. As per the cybercrime wing’s estimation, the number of complaints should have exceeded 200,000 in 2024. Latest figures published by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) showed more than 139 million mobile broadband subscribers in Pakistan and 143 million internet subscribers. One of the reasons for fewer cases filed with the cybercrime wing of FIA was that the federal government has also empowered the police to register cybercrime cases. Islamabad police have already posted dedicated officers, including female officers, in one police station to lodge complaints related to offences in digital space., the ministry claimed adding that the Punjab government is also establishing cybercrime desks in several police stations across the province. Another key reason for the low number of complaints related to cybercrime was the repeated changes in investigation agencies. Moreover, the Special Investigation Units ensured the effective investigation of serious crimes. As a result, relevant courts sentenced 27 accused to death in 17 cases and life imprisonment to 28 in 21 cases in past one year. Moreover, 219 search operations were carried out in various areas of the federal capital to establish law and order and ensure effective security throughout the city. The operations division also provided security during protests, religious gatherings and the arrival of foreign delegations. “The law and order situation was fully under control. More than 4,0 79 events, protests and law and order situations have successfully been managed by ICT police during said span of time,” reads the submitted document to NA.